First announcement: "Philosophy, Probability and Physics" - Summer school 2005 Konstanz

Claus Beisbart Claus.Beisbart at
Mon Jan 3 19:30:24 CET 2005

International Summer School
                 Philosophy, Probability and Physics
                                  University of Konstanz
                                                   August 7-13, 2005

First announcement (Dec 21 2004)

Probability is  not only a  key concept in  many branches of physics,  but has
also  been   attracting  the   attention  from  philosophers.    For  example,
probabilities   play   a  crucial   role   in   quantum   mechanics  and   its
interpretations.  Also, the concept of probability has continually been at the
center of philosophical debate in the foundations of statistical mechanics and
thermodynamics.   Recent  developments  in  quantum  information  theory  have
reinvigorated philosophical  interest in probabilities.   

This summer school is geared to doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers
in  philosophy   of  physics,  philosophy   of  science,  and   philosophy  of
probability, as  well as philosophically  minded physicists.  We aim  to bring
this group together with leading  experts on probability in physical theories.
Our  method will  be to  use probabilities  as a  leitmotif  through different
subjects  in  the  philosophy  of  physics  and  to  analyze  the  concept  of
probability   from   different    theoretical   viewpoints:   probability   in
thermodynamics, statistical physics, quantum mechanics and quantum information
theory, as well as space time theories.  Experts will give lectures on each of
these topics. Our  main lecturers are C.  Callender, D.   Dieks, D.  Duerr, R.
Frigg, C.  Fuchs, T.  Maudlin and I.  Pitowsky.

The  summer  school  is  being  organized by  Claus  Beisbart  (University  of
Konstanz) and Stephan Hartmann (University of Konstanz and LSE).

For further details check our webpage:

Applications must be received by April 15 2005

Contact: summerschool2005 at

Dr. Claus Beisbart
Philosophy, Probability, and Modeling Group
Center for Junior Research Fellows
University of Konstanz
P.O. Box M 682
78457 Konstanz
Claus.Beisbart at
Tel.: ++49 7531 88 4736
FAX:  ++49 7531 88 4898 
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ESF Network for Philosophical and
Foundational Problems of Modern Physics
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