this and next week's philosophy of physics in Paris

Guido Bacciagaluppi Guido.Bacciagaluppi at
Thu Jun 23 10:26:15 CEST 2005

Dear All,

this is likely to be my last message before the summer. We have two more
Friday seminars, and Alexei has kindly sent me an announcement for another
lecture (see below) and for the trimester on quantum information,
computation and complexity at Institut Henri Poincare' (see

		All the best,

1) Philosophy of physics seminars
(organisers: G. Bacciagaluppi, M. Bitbol, S. Saunders)

Unless otherwise noted: all sessions marked IHPST take place
17:00-19:00 in the Grande Salle at IHPST (13, rue du Four),
those marked CREA take place 17:15-19:15 in the library
(salle 315) at CREA (25, rue de la Montagne Sainte-Genevive).

	Friday 24 June (IHPST):
	Soazig le Bihan, on statistical independence and locality
	(in French).

	Friday 1 July (CREA):
	Simon Saunders, on incongruent counterparts.

2) Il y a une conference sur les ingalites d'Heisenberg a l'ENS annonce
pour le 29 juin sur le site du groupe de Charles Alunni a l'ENS :

29 Juin 2005 - Serge REYNAUD (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie/LKB) :
Les 4 inegalites de Heisenberg et la question du temps.

 20 Heures
Salle Jean Cavailles


Guido Bacciagaluppi
Institut d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques
13, rue du Four
F-75006 Paris
Fax: +33 / 1 / 43 25 29 48

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