update/reminder philphys Paris

Guido Bacciagaluppi Guido.Bacciagaluppi at univ-paris1.fr
Mon Oct 31 10:14:25 CET 2005

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

below are a corrected programme of our Friday seminars in Paris
and the reminders for the coming two weeks.

Huw Price is currently visiting IHPST, leaving 4 November.

		Best regards,

Guido Bacciagaluppi
Institut d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques
13, rue du Four
F-75006 Paris
Fax: +33 / 1 / 43 25 29 48


-Philosophy of physics seminars
(organisers: G. Bacciagaluppi, M. Bitbol, A. Grinbaum)

Unless otherwise noted: sessions marked IHPST take place in
the Grande Salle at IHPST (13, rue du Four), those marked CREA
in the library (salle 315) at CREA (25, rue de la Montagne
Sainte-Genevieve [due to the possibility of checks at the
entrance, please have a form of ID with you]).

	Friday 4 Nov, 16:00-18:00 (IHPST)
	Larry Schulman (Clarkson),
	Time's Arrows and Quantum Measurements

	Friday 18 Nov, 16:00-18:00 (CREA)

	Friday 25 Nov, 16:00-18:00 (CREA)
	Gilles Cohen-Tannoudji (Orsay)
	Quantum Field Theory, a way out of the EPR antinomy?

	Friday 6 Jan, time and place TBA
	Manuel Baechtold (Ecole Polytechnique),
	Cinq formulations du probleme de la mesure
	en mecanique quantique'

-Philosophy, Probability and Physics
Joint IHPST-LSE Mini-Conference

	Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science
	London School of Economics and Political Science
	Saturday 5 November 2005, 10:30-18:00
	Room T 206 (Lakatos Building)

	Stephan Hartmann (LSE)
	Lefteris Farmakis (LSE)
	Guido Bacciagaluppi (Paris)
	Sonja Smets (Brussels and CPNSS)
	Pete Ainsworth (LSE)

For full details, see the separate e-mail announcement, or visit

-From the programme of the Seminaire "Complexite", IHPST
Responsable : H. Zwirn

	Jeudi 3 novembre 2005, 17h-19h, IHPST. Roger Balian
	(Service de Physique Theorique, CEA, Saclay et Membre
	de l'Academie des sciences) donnera une conference
	intitulee :
	Reductionnisme et emergence en physique

-From the programme of the
Seminaire de philosophie des sciences de l'IHPST
at the Ecole Normale Superieure, Salle Weil
(organiser: A. Barberousse <barberou at heraclite.ens.fr>).
Le seminaire a lieu tous les lundis de 11h a' 13h.

	Lundi 7 novembre :
	Paul Humphreys, University of Virginia and IHPST
	Theories of Causation and Explanation: Necessarily
	True or Domain-Specific?

-A lecture by Patrick Suppes.

	Monday 7 November 2005, 16:00,
	College de France (11, place Marcelin-Berthelot),
	amphitheatre Guillaume Bude':
	'Neuropsychological foundations of philosophy'

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