CONF: Stueckelberg Symposium

Flavia Padovani Flavia.Padovani at
Wed Oct 12 16:29:57 CEST 2005

International Symposium for the centenary of E.C.G. Stueckelberg's birth
The History and Philosophy of Science Dept. in Geneva is organising an
international Symposium for the centenary of Ernst C.G. Stueckelberg's birth.
This Symposium will take place on 2nd and 3rd December 2005, at the Physics
Department, Geneva University.

Born in 1905,  Ernst C. G. Stueckelberg was Professor of theoretical physics at
the Universities of Geneva and Lausanne in the years 1930-1970. He was one of
the most eminent Swiss physicists of the 2Oth century. His breakthroughs,  from
his causal S-matrix to the renormalization group, have influenced the
development of contemporary theoretical physics. The aim of our Symposium is to
examine Stueckelberg's scientific work in its historical context and assess its
significance. It will gather some of the best experts - physicists and
historians - of Stueckelberg's thought. Their contributions will be completed
by accounts of those who have known Stueckelberg as colleagues or students, in
Geneva and Lausanne.

For further information and (free) registration, please contact the organizers
at jan.lacki at or write to the official address of the
Symposium Stueckelberg
Ecole de Physique
Université de Genève
24, Quai de l'Ecole de Médecine
CH-1211 Genève 4
e-mail : scdpt at

On the behalf of the organizers, Jan Lacki (History and Philosophy of Science,

Flavia Padovani
Department of Philosophy / HPS
University of Geneva
2, rue de Candolle 
CH - 1211 Geneva 4
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