Symmetry Festival 2006

Gyorgy Darvas darvasg at
Mon Jan 30 08:00:26 CET 2006

Dear Colleagues,

The Symmetry Festival 2006 plans to devote special sessions to the topics of:

- Symmetry in the history and philosophy of science
- Symmetry in the philosophy of physics

You are kindly welcome to contribute to one of these sessions with a paper.

Apologies, if you received this information from multiple senders.

An Announcment page of the "Symmetry Festival 2006" can be downloaded from in two printable formats. Please, feel 
yourself free to print it and display in your institution and around, in 
any copies depending on your consideration.
Distribute the information even in further universities, institutions!
Please, call the attention of any interested colleague to do so. Publishing 
in other websites, printed media is also welcome.

The Content pages of the previous (2003) Symmetry Festival proceedings can 
be read at .

Please, do not miss the deadlines of the Symmetry Festival 
2006 !

See you in Budapest in August,
Gyuri Darvas

<>Symmetry Festival 2006
<>Gyorgy Darvas
E-mail / Skype: darvasg at    <>S Y M M E T R I O N
Address: c/o MTA KSZI; 18 Nador St., Budapest, H-1051 Hungary
Mailing address:      P.O. Box 994,   Budapest,     H-1245 Hungary
Fax:  36 (1) 331-3161   Phone: 36 (1) 312-3022;  36 (1) 331-3975

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