Foundations Lectures in Brussels

Christian de Ronde cderonde at
Thu Jun 1 15:48:51 CEST 2006

Dear everyone, 

this is an invitation to the Foundations Lectures organized by Centre Leo Apostel in Brussels. It will take place at the: 

Monday 12 of June - VUB Campus Etterbeck. 16.00 - room D.1.08. For more information

Excerpts from John von Neumann's letters by Miklos Redei


Abstract: If influence of a scientist is interpreted broadly enough to include impact on fields beyond science proper then John von Neumann was probably the most influential mathematician who ever lived: not only did he contribute to almost all branches of modern mathematics and created new fields but he also changed history after the second World War by his work in computer design and by being a sought-after technical advisor to the post-war military-political establishment of the U.S.A. The talk will highlight some episodes in von Neumann's life and work by presenting quotations from his letters recently published in the volume "John von Neumann: Selected Letters" (American Mathematical Society and London Mathematical Society, 2005).

Miklos Redei studied physics and philosophy at Lorand Eotvos University in Budapest, Hungary, receiving his PhD in philosophy from Eotvos University in 1982. Currently he is associate professor in the Department of Logic at Eotvos University. His research interests concern foundational and philosophical problems of modern physics, especially of quantum theory, and related more general issues in philosophy of science such as the interpretation of probability and theories of probabilistic causation. He is the author of the book Quantum Logic in Algebraic Approach (Kluwer, 1998), co-editor (with M. Stoeltzner) of the volume John von Neumann and the Foundations of Quantum Physics, (Kluwer, 2001) and editor of John von Neumann: Selected Letters (American Mathematical Society, 2005). He was co-organizer of the 3 year European Science Foundation Scientific Network "Fundational and Philosophical Problems of Modern Physics". For more information, see his homepage


Very best, 

Christian de Ronde.

Center Leo Apostel.

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