MA in Philosophy of Physics at the University of Leeds

Christopher Timpson C.G.Timpson at
Wed May 24 08:29:21 CEST 2006

MA in Philosophy of Physics at the University of Leeds



>From the academic year 2006-7, the Division of History and Philosophy of
Science at the University of Leeds will be offering a new taught MA in
the Philosophy of Physics.


This course will pursue in depth the philosophical questions raised by
modern physics. Students will explore advanced topics centring on our
understanding of quantum mechanics and spacetime theory, whilst also
addressing the general epistemological issues that science presents.
Options provide scope for further study in philosophy, in history of
science or in physics; and the dissertation presents the opportunity for
detailed development of a topic of interest in the philosophy of
physics. The course will provide an ideal preparation for higher
research in the philosophy of or foundations of physics.



Candidates should normally have a good honours degree. Relevant
background in mathematics and physics is essential and previous study in
philosophy or history and philosophy of science recommended.
Applications still welcome for the academic year 2006-7.





Course Director: Dr C.G. Timpson c.g.timpson at

Director of Post-Graduate admissions in History and Philosophy of
Science: Dr A.F. Wilson  a.f.wilson at




The Division of History and Philosophy of Science:-


The Division of History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) at Leeds is at
the forefront of the subject in Britain, with a strong tradition in both
research and teaching. For over half a century it has maintained a
first-rate international reputation. Noted for its friendly and open
atmosphere, the Division is a distinct unit within one of the nation's
largest departments of philosophy.


Under the leadership of Professor Steven French, Leeds has emerged as a
leading centre for philosophy of physics. Research in this field covers
the foundations of quantum information theory and quantum computation,
metaphysical issues in quantum theory, particularly to do with identity
and individuality of quantum objects, determinism in the context of
spacetime physics, and the philosophical foundations of quantum gravity.
Research in the philosophy of physics is strengthened by links with the
Centre for Metaphysics of Mind hosted by the Department of Philosophy
and also with the Quantum Information group headed by Prof. Vlatko
Vedral in the Department of Physics and Astronomy.



Staff with research interests in philosophy of physics:


Prof. Steven French - philosophy of physics, especially quantum
mechanics; philosophy of science, especially models and the semantic
approach; history of 20th century physics.


Dr Joseph Melia  - modality and possible worlds; metaphysics and
ontology; philosophy of physics; philosophy of mathematics.


Dr Chris Timpson - philosophy of physics, especially quantum mechanics
and quantum information theory; philosophy of science; philosophy of
mind and language.




Course Outline:-


The course comprises three compulsory components: the two modules
'Topics in the Philosophy of Physics' and 'Issues in the Philosophy of
Science'; and the Dissertation (12,000-15,000 words, to be completed by
the end of the academic year).


In addition, students may make a choice of two options from a range of
around 10, including: Philosophy MA modules (e.g., Ontology, Analytic
Philosophy); HPS MA modules (e.g., Modern Science: Historical Emergence
and Philosophical Interpretation, Current Research in HPS, Science and
Religion, Concepts in Gender, Science and Technology); and Physics MA
modules (Quantum Field Theory, General Relativity, Statistical



For further information on the course, contact c.g.timpson at

For more information on philosophy and HPS at Leeds, see <> 





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