[PhilPhys] 3-year "PIAF" postdoc in foundations of quantum mechanics, Griffith University.

Howard Wiseman h.wiseman at griffith.edu.au
Fri Jun 27 12:52:25 CEST 2008

Dear colleagues, (apologies to any who get this twice),

Please pass this on to any who may be interested. For further details of 
how to apply, go to http://www.griffith.edu.au/jobs/ 
and enter "physics" in the search box, or use the VRN below.

Best regards,

 Physics , Research Fellow 2
Fixed-Term ( Three Years ) , Full Time , Nathan
VRN CQD17278/08
Closing Date 31.07.08

This fellowship is a full-time three-year fixed-term fellowship funded 
under the recently established Perimeter Institute — Australia Foundations 
(PIAF) partnership. The Australian side involves Griffith University, the 
University of Queensland, and the University of Sydney. The successful 
applicant will be based at Griffith University in Brisbane, but will be 
supported to spend three months per year visiting other partners, split 
between Sydney and the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in 

At Griffith University, the successful applicant will join the Centre for 
Quantum Dynamics. The Centre has four faculty members with theoretical or 
experimental research programs in quantum information and foundations. 
This includes Professor Howard Wiseman’s Federation Fellowship theory 
program Quantum Information, Measurement, and Control.

The successful applicant will have a strong research record at an 
international level in quantum foundations, preferably with interests in 
common with researchers at Griffith University. These interests include 
the arrow of time, Bohmian mechanics, Bayesianism and decision theory, the 
nature of quantum nonlocality and contextuality, and the significance of 
weak values.

The successful applicant will be expected to contribute to the PIAF 
partnership, as detailed in the key duties / accountabilities. The 
appointee will have a PhD or equivalent in a relevant area in physics or 
philosophy. Experience in the organisation of research networks, workshops 
and seminars, and evidence of ability to work cooperatively with others, 
are desirable. Women are especially encouraged to apply.

Interviews are expected to take place in late September 2008 with the 
position available shortly thereafter.

Conditions e.g. Salary, Superannuation
Salary: $67,852 - $80,576 per annum. Salary package including 17% employer 
superannuation contribution: $79,387 - $94,275 per annum.

      For further information about the role, please contact Dr Joan 
Vaccaro or email j.a.vaccaro at griffith.edu.au

      Further Enquiries:
      Dr Joan Vaccaro
      Phone: (07) 3735 5059
      Fax: n/a
      Email: j.a.vaccaro at griffith.edu.au 

*             Once upon a frame disbelief was suspended               *
*       And also thereby hung the hairy tail that is the end.         *
* Prof. Howard Wiseman         ,-J\    * Federation Fellow.           *
* Centre for Quantum Dynamics /    GU  * Director of CQD.             *
* Griffith University         `-^._/   * Program Manager, Centre for  *
* Brisbane 4111 AUSTRALIA         v      Quantum Computer Technology. *
* Ph:+61 7 3735 7279  Fax:...4426  http://www.sci.gu.edu.au/~wiseman/ *
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