[PhilPhys] Descartes Lectures at Tilburg: Ian Hacking

Stephan Hartmann s.hartmann at uvt.nl
Mon Mar 15 12:32:09 CET 2010

The René Descartes Lectures 2010 + Workshop
Professor Ian Hacking 
Proof: Calculation, Intuition, and A Priori Knowledge
6-8 October 2010
Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS)

Every other year, a distinguished philosopher visits Tilburg University for one week to deliver the René Descartes Lectures. The inaugural lectures were given by Professor Huw Price from the University of Sydney in May 2008. The Descartes Lectures 2010 will be delivered by Professor Ian Hacking from the University of Toronto and the Collège de France. The title of the series of three lectures is "Proof: Calculation, Intuition, and A Priori Knowledge". Each lecture is followed by two commentaries. The commentators are: James Conant (Chicago), Marcus Giaquinto (London), Pierre Jacob (Paris), Martin Kusch (Vienna), Hannes Leitgeb (Bristol), and Mary Leng (Liverpool). For more information, including the abstracts of all lectures, visit the website mentioned above.

The Descartes lectures are accompanied by a workshop that brings together scholars debating issues related to Professor Hacking’s lectures. The deadline for the submission of extended abstracts is June 1, 2010. Details can be found on the website.

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