[PhilPhys] JOB: 3-year Postdoctoral Position at Wuppertal

stoeltzn at uni-wuppertal.de stoeltzn at uni-wuppertal.de
Tue May 18 22:27:13 CEST 2010

Post-doctoral opening: ?Ontological and epistemological aspects of the  
Higgs mechanism? (Kennziffer 10048)

The University of Wuppertal, Germany, offers a Post-doctoral position  
for three years, to start in October 2010. Successful applicants will  
work on the project ?Ontological and epistemological aspects of the  
Higgs mechanism? as part of the research collaboration ?Epistemology  
of the Large Hadron Collider?, consisting of physicists, philosophers,  
and historians of science. The project is funded by the German  
Research Foundation (DFG).

Applicants should have a Ph.D. in physics or  
philosophy/history/sociology of science with an emphasis on  
contemporary physics, and be able to pursue a highly collaborative,  
interdisciplinary, and international research project. A  
Diploma/Master/Bachelor degree in the other field is an asset.  
Teaching is not required but possible. Further information on the  
project can be found at http://www.lhc-epistemologie.uni-wuppertal.de.

The University of Wuppertal is committed to employing more women  
scientists and welcomes applications from qualified female  
researchers. Applications of disabled researchers are welcome.

Please send your complete application documents by May 31st, 2010, to
IZWT, Frau C. Hündgen
Bergische Universität Wuppertal,
42097 Wuppertal, Germany
email: iz1 at uni-wuppertal.de
and arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent to the same  
address. Email application is possible as well. Informal inquiries  
should be directed to Prof. Dr. R. Harlander  
(harlander at physik.uni-wuppertal.de) or Prof. Dr. H. Lyre (lyre at ovgu.de).

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