[PhilPhys] Causes and Tenses (Krakow, Sept. 2010) - Workshop schedule

"Leszek Wroński" leszek.wronski at uj.edu.pl
Fri Sep 3 10:51:55 CEST 2010


the following is the schedule of the upcoming "Causes and Tenses" workshop in Krakow.

Best regards,

Leszek Wronski.

Causes and Tenses: Formal Perspectives
Kraków, September 10-11, 2010

Honorary chair: Nuel Belnap
Aim: The underlying idea is to bring together researchers doing probabilistic causation (analyzed formally) with researchers of tenses, analyzed from either a logical or metaphysical perspective.  The emphasis will be on small data structures for analyzing causes and indeterminism, common causation and causal completability, and new techniques for the problem of future contingents.
Venue: Department of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Grodzka 52, 31-055 Kraków, Room 28. 
Organized by: Department of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University and
Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies.
Contact: Tomasz.Placek at uj.edu.pl

Friday Sept. 10:
15.00-15.15 Welcome
15.15-16.30 Miklós Rédei (London) and Zalán Gyenis (Budapest): Characterizing common cause closed probability spaces
17.00-17.45 Michał Marczyk and Leszek Wroński (Kraków): Remarks on the notion of causal closedness of classical probability spaces 
18.00-18.45 A discussion: What we know and what we don’t know about common causes
19:30 Dinner

Saturday Sept. 11
10.00-11.15 Nuel Belnap (Pittsburgh): How case-intensional semantics prevents the slingshot from hitting its target
11.30-12.45 Thomas Müller (Utrecht): Small data structures for representing indeterminism
14.15-15.30 Fabrice Correia (Geneva): A "classical" tempo-modal logic for future contingents
15.45-16.30 Jacek Wawer (Kraków): How to Survive on the Thin Red Line?
16.45-18.00 Tomasz Placek (Kraków): On the assertion problem
18.00-18.45 Discussion: Thin Red Line - Pros and Cons

Webpage: www.iphils.uj.edu.pl/causes-and-tenses.php
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