[PhilPhys] First announcement for First International Conference on Logic and Relativity: honoring Istvan Nemeti's 70th birthday

Gergely Székely gergely.szekely at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 19:48:07 CET 2012


First International Conference on Logic and Relativity:
honoring István Németi's 70th birthday

September 8 - 12, 2012, Budapest, Hungary

The main topics of the conference are logic, relativity theory and their
Topics include (but are not restricted to):
- Logical foundations of spacetime theories
- Algebraic logic
- Relativistic computation

Invited speakers:
- Johan van Benthem (University of Amsterdam)
- S. Barry Cooper (University of Leeds)
- Michael Makkai (McGill University)
- John Byron Manchak (University of Washington)
- Christian Wüthrich (University of California)

We invite you to submit your abstract via the following link:

Program Committee:
- Hajnal Andréka (Rényi Institute)
- Mike Stannett (University of Sheffield)
- Gergely Székely (Rényi Institute)

Organizing Committee:
- Gergely Székely (Rényi Institute)
- Mike Stannett (University of Sheffield)


Deadline for abstract submission: Friday 13 July, 2012
Notifying the authors: Monday 23 July, 2012
Conference: 8-12 September, 2012

If you know anyone who may be interested in this conference, please notify

[Apologies for multiple postings]
Contact: Gergely Székely - nemeti70 at renyi.hu
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