[PhilPhys] workshop Lausanne 24-25 May

Michael-Andreas.Esfeld at unil.ch Michael-Andreas.Esfeld at unil.ch
Tue Apr 17 15:09:52 CEST 2012

The metaphysics of contemporary physics
University of Lausanne 24-25 May 2012
Conference room inside the University library

Thursday 24 May
9h15 opening

9h30-10h45 Tim Maudlin (New York University): The
metaphysics of quantum physics

10h45-11h15 coffee break

11h15-12h30 Detlef Dürr (Ludwig-Maximilian-University
Munich): The lessons of Bohmian mechanics. Who cares about
hilbertspace and observables?

12h30-14h00 lunch

14h00-15h00 Michael Esfeld (University of Lausanne):
Dispositions in the philosophy of physics

15h00-16h00 Mario Hubert (Ludwig-Maximilian-University
Munich): Dispositions in Bohmian mechanics

16h00-16h30 coffee break

16h30-17h30 Dustin Lazarovici (Ludwig-Maximilian-University
Munich): Who is afraid of quantum states? From the Universe
to a Subsystem

17h30-18h00 coffee break

18h00-19h15 Room 4030 Anthropole Building
Jean Bricmont (Catholic University of Louvain): Sociology
and epistemology

19h30 Dinner

Friday 25 May

9h15-10h15 Matthias Egg (University of Lausanne):
Philosophical lessons from recent experiments on quantum

10h15-11h15 Adrian Wüthrich (University of Bern): Common
cause realism in the EPR experiment

11h15-11h45 coffee break 

11h45-12h45 Tomasz Bigaj (University of Warsaw): Are
elementary particles even weakly discernible?

12h45-14h15 lunch

14h15-15h15 Norman Sieroka (ETH Zurich): On the historical
origin and systematic sharpening of holography

15h15-16h15 Vincent Lam (University of Queensland &
University of Lausanne): Quantum entanglement and general
relativistic spacetime

16h15-16h45 coffee break

16h45-17h45 Antonio Vassallo (University of Warsaw &
University of Lausanne): Planck-scale Metaphysics: An
appraisal of Bohmian quantum gravity

17h45-18h00 coffee break

18h00-19h15 Room 4030 Anthropole Building
Tim Maudlin (New York University): Primitive ontology and
the mind-body problem

For inscription and further information, please contact
Michael-Andreas.Esfeld at unil.ch

Michael Esfeld
Full professor of philosophy of science
University of Lausanne, Switzerland,
PhilPhys - Philosophy of Physics Mail Group
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