[PhilPhys] CFP: Early Modern Medicine and Natural Philosophy, Final Call for Papers

Center for Philosophy of Science pittcntr at pitt.edu
Mon May 21 21:52:47 CEST 2012

Early Modern Medicine and Natural Philosophy

Center for the Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh

2-4 November 2012


_early_modern_medicine.html)> Call for Papers



We invite the submission of extended abstracts (approximately 1000 words)
for individual paper presentations (limit 30 minutes).


The aim of the conference is to bring to the fore the medical context of the
'Scientific Revolution' and to explore the complex connections between
medicine and natural philosophy in Renaissance and Early Modern Europe.
Medicine and natural philosophy interacted on many levels, from the
practical imperative to restore and maintain the health of human bodies to
theoretical issues on the nature of living matter and the powers of the soul
to methodological concerns about the appropriate way to gain knowledge of
natural things.  And issues of life, generation, ageing, medicine, and vital
activity were important topics of investigation for canonical actors of the
Scientific Revolution, from Boyle, Hooke and Locke to Descartes and Leibniz.
Recent efforts to recover the medical content and contexts of their projects
have already begun to reshape our understanding of these key natural
philosophers. Putting medical interests in the foreground also reveals
connections with a wide variety of less canonical but historically important
scientists, physicians, and philosophers, such as Petrus Severinus,
Fabricius ab Aquapendente, Lodovico Settala, William Harvey, Richard Lower,
Thomas Willis, Louis de la Forge, and Georg Ernst Stahl.  This
interdisciplinary conference will bring together scholars of Renaissance and
Early Modern science, medicine and philosophy to examine the projects of
more and less canonical figures and trace perhaps unexpected interactions
between medicine and other approaches to studying and understanding the
natural world.


Confirmed Speakers include


Domenico Bertoloni Meli (Indiana University)

Antonio Clericuzio (University of Cassino)

Dennis Des Chene (Washington University)

Patricia Easton (Claremont Graduate University)

Cynthia Klestinec (Miami University, Ohio)

Gideon Manning (Caltech)

Jole Shackelford (University of Minnesota)

Justin E. H. Smith (Concordia University, Montreal)


Submission Guidelines


Please submit an extended abstract of approximately 1000 words and a 1-2
page CV to Peter Distelzweig at  <mailto:pmd17 at pitt.edu> pmd17 at pitt.edu.
Submission should have full institutional and contact information and should
be in doc/docx or pdf format.


Deadline for submissions is 1 June 2012.

Decisions will be announced by 30 July 2012.

Partial funding will be available for accepted papers.


Organizing Committee


James Lennox (University of Pittsburgh)

Domenico Bertoloni Meli (Indiana University, Bloomington)

Charles Wolfe (Ghent University)

Dennis Looney (University of Pittsburgh)

Peter Distelzweig (University of Pittsburgh)

Benjamin Goldberg (University of Pittsburgh)


This conference is a part of the
<http://www.pitt.edu/~pmd17/MPSR/index.html> Medicine, Philosophy and the
Scientific Revolution Initiative, a collaborative initiative tracing
interactions between medicine and natural philosophy in Early Modern Europe,
hosted at the University of Pittsburgh.




Center for Philosophy of Science (University of Pittsburgh)

Humanities Center (University of Pittsburgh)

World History Center (University of Pittsburgh)

Department of History and Philosophy of Science (University of Pittsburgh)

Medieval and Renaissance Studies Program (University of Pittsburgh)

Department of History and Philosophy of Science (Indiana University,




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