[PhilPhys] Conference announcement.

Antonio Acín antonio.acin at icfo.es
Thu Jan 29 23:15:59 CET 2015

Dear Sir or Madam,

could you please distribute the message below through the PhilPhys mail list? Thanks!

Beginning of the message:

Dear all,
we are pleased to announce the conference “Randomness in quantum physics and beyond”, see http://qrandom.icfo.eu/ <http://qrandom.icfo.eu/>, which will take place in Barcelona 4-8 May. The conference is supported by The John Templeton Foundation and ICFO.
The concept of randomness fascinates all types of thinkers, from philosophers to mathematicians, computer scientists and physicists. Within this conference, these different communities will have the opportunity to interact, discuss the basis of their interests in randomness, and explain their varying perspectives, with the goal of establishing bridges and commonalities.
We hope you find the conference of your interest and are able to attend.
We look forward to meeting you in Barcelona!
Antonio Acin
Marek Kus
Maciej Lewenstein

End of the message

Antonio Acin
ICREA Research Professor
ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences
Mediterranean Technology Park
Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 3
08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain
T: +34 93 553 40 62
F: +34 93 553 40 00
E: antonio.acin at icfo.es <mailto:antonio.acin at icfo.es> 
I: www.icfo.es <http://www.icfo.es/> 

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