[PhilPhys] 1-year Postdoctoral Fellowship at the MCMP (LMU Munich)

MCMP Phil-Sci mcmp.philsci at lrz.uni-muenchen.de
Tue Aug 18 15:25:15 CEST 2015

The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy 
<http://www.mcmp.philosophie.uni-muenchen.de/index.html> (MCMP; 
lmu.de/mcmp <http://lmu.de/mcmp>) and the Chair of Philosophy of Science 
<http://www.philosophie.uni-muenchen.de/lehreinheiten/wissenschaftstheorie/index.html> at 
the Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Study of Religion 
at LMU Munich <http://www.philosophie.uni-muenchen.de/index.html> seek 
applications for a 1-year postdoctoral fellowship.

Candidates are expected to conduct research in the *philosophy of the 
social sciences*. The starting date is *November 1, 2015*, but a later 
starting date is also possible. (Please let us know if you wish to start 
at a later date.) The appointee will be expected to (i) do research in 
the philosophy of the social sciences, and (ii) help with the 
preparation of an interdisciplinary grant proposal on the topic 
"Decisions, Groups, and Networks" which involves economists, 
psychologists, political scientists and scholars from business 
administration. The successful candidate will have a PhD in philosophy 
and a background in a social science and/or decision theory. Experience 
in working in interdisciplinary teams would be an advantage. 
Applications (including a cover letter that addresses, amongst others, 
one's academic background and research interests, a CV, a list of 
publications, a sample of written work of no more than 5000 words, and a 
description of planned research projects of 1000-1500 words) should be 
sent by email (ideally everything requested in one PDF document named 
yourlastname.pdf) to office.hartmann at lrz.uni-muenchen.de 
<mailto:office.hartmann at lrz.uni-muenchen.de> by *September 15, 2015*. 
Hard copy applications are not accepted. Additionally, two confidential 
letters of reference addressing the applicant's qualifications for 
academic research should be sent to the same address from the referees 

For further information, please contact Prof. Stephan Hartmann 
(s.hartmann at lmu.de <mailto:s.hartmann at lmu.de>).

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