[PhilPhys] Call for Participation: Spacetime: Fundamental or Emergent? (Bonn, October 26-28, 2017)

Kian Salimkhani ksalimkhani at uni-bonn.de
Mon Jul 24 00:06:36 CEST 2017

Call for Participation:

Spacetime: Fundamental or Emergent?

Bonn, October 26-28, 2017

Karen Crowther, Richard Dawid, Neil Dewar, Michael Esfeld, Dennis 
Lehmkuhl, J. Brian Pitts, James Read, Kian Salimkhani, Alastair Wilson, 
Christian Wüthrich

Spacetime or spatiotemporal relations have traditionally been considered 
as perfect candidates for fundamental entities or structures of reality. 
However, in modern physics and philosophy this general agreement has 
been challenged by, for example, physical theories that try to recover 
spacetime as an emergent structure. Concerning this debate, the workshop 
attempts to explore the following: First, what kind of entity is 
spacetime? Second, what is involved in claims of fundamentality of 
physical entities? Third, what may different approaches to quantum 
gravity reveal about the status of spacetime?

This International Workshop is organized as an event of the DFG-funded 
research unit /Inductive Metaphysics/.

Universitätsclub Bonn, Konviktstr. 9, 53113 Bonn

Participation is free, but limited. To register, please send an email to 
ksalimkhani at uni-bonn.de <mailto:ksalimkhani at uni-bonn.de> with your name 
and affiliation. Also, we invite graduate students to apply for a travel 
grant (up to 200 EUR). To do so, please send a cover letter of no more 
than one page describing your current research interest and its 
relevance to the topic of the Workshop as well as a CV to 
ksalimkhani at uni-bonn.de <mailto:ksalimkhani at uni-bonn.de> until August 
15. Decisions will be made by early September. Female graduate students 
are especially encouraged to apply and will be given priority.


Andreas Bartels, Kian Salimkhani
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