[PhilPhys] Call for nominations for the Hanneke Janssen Memorial Prize 2017

James Ladyman pljacl at bristol.ac.uk
Fri Oct 13 09:39:15 CEST 2017

Dear Jos

I have one that I should have nominated but was so busy and missed the deadline!

take care

On 13 Oct 2017, at 07:48, Jos Uffink wrote:

> Dear Lisette and all,    
> That is very disappointing!   I did not receive any nominations either. 
> And I am not sure what to do.  On the one hand, we could make one more  request to send out nominations, or approach Jossi Berkowitz who made an inquiry, presumably with someone in mind. 
> On the other hand we could just say that the prize is not going to be awarded this year  (which has happened before). 
> Personally,  I am in favor of the  second option,  because-although it will be  a disappointment for Janneke's parents-  I don't want to literally beg for nominations when the award is already substantial (2000 euro instead of the 1000 we started from).
> I would like to know what you think.
> However,  and more or less independently of  the previous issue, this summer  I was at a workshop in Germany where I met Neil Dewar,  Ben Feinztweig, Josh Hunt  and  James Read, and made a remark at the start of my talk complementing the workshop of having gathered more than half of the world's population of Janneke Janssen Memorial Prize Winners. 
> More importantly,  this workshop impressed me with the fact that   the winners we have supported  in the past are actually thriving and pursuing important new research avenues.  And this is also true for Martin Jaenert  (who I met later)   and  Ronnie Hermens.
>  So, to cut the story short, my suggestion is: if the Hanneke Janssen Prize is going to die, partly because there are just too few  people who remember her, and attend the ceremony,  partly  because there is apparently not sufficient animo to nominate candidates, we should go out in a big splash: extend the prize one more year,  and invite  all previous winners  to present a talk about what they have been  doing since they won the Prize, and make this into a full  1-day workshop, to attract a larger audience, which would give ample opportunity to remember Hanneke, and the opportunities she was robbed of,  as well as to show for the previous prize winners to show  how their  work progressed after they received the prize. 
> Let me know what you think, and  again,   the question about what too do with  who nominations  this year is, in my mind,  independent of how I think we should, at some point in time, end  the Prize. 
> Very best,  Jos
> On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 9:04 AM, Pals, E.A.P. (Lisette) <l.pals at ru.nl> wrote:
> Dear members of the jury,
> I didn’t receive any submissions, maybe you did?
> Best regards,
> Lisette
> Van: Jos Uffink [mailto:jbuffink at umn.edu] 
> Verzonden: dinsdag 29 augustus 2017 4:59
> Aan: philphys <philphys at lists.ucla.edu>; philphys at phil.elte.hu; Klaas Landsman <landsman at math.ru.nl>; Christoph Lehner <lehner at mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de>; Seevinck M.P. <m.p.seevinck at gmail.com>; Pals, E.A.P. (Lisette) <l.pals at ru.nl>
> Onderwerp: Call for nominations for the Hanneke Janssen Memorial Prize 2017
> Dear  all, 
> The Jury would like to issue a call for nominations for the Hanneke Janssen Memorial Prize, which  is awarded  yearly for the best work in History and/or  Philosophy of Modern Physics, done by a student as a requirement for a Masters Thesis.  The price carries a  2000 euro award. Nominations  for this Prize need to be submitted by a supervisor of the nominee.
> For more details I refer to the attached  stipulations.
> Sincerely, 
> The Jury, 
> Jos Uffink  (University of Minnesota)
> Klaas Landsman  (Radboud University, Nijmegen)
> Christopher Lehner (Max Planck Institute for History of Science)
> Michiel  Seevinck
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