[PhilPhys] Fwd: (SILFS-L) Ofer Gal, Università di Sydney, a Roma Tre

Mauro Dorato mauro.dorato at gmail.com
Tue Dec 12 07:53:00 CET 2017

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Laura Felline <fellinelaura at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 7:51 PM
Subject: (SILFS-L) Ofer Gal, Università di Sydney, a Roma Tre
To: silfs-l at list.cineca.it
Cc: notizie-filosofiche at yahoogroups.co.uk

Con preghiera di diffusione

Mercoledí 13 dicembre, alle ore 14:00,

presso la facoltà di filosofia di Roma Tre (aula 9), via Ostiense 234,

il Prof. Ofer Gal, Università di Sydney, terrà un talk dal titolo:  The
Real Issue

This paper studies the historical peculiarities of the modern ‘Scientific
Realism Debate’ and the metaphysical assumptions grounding it in its
current form.  It argues that all positions in the current debate cannot be
made sense of without the assumption of an ideal and privileged point of
view, external to *both*science and ‘the real things’, from which *both* can
be observed and compared.  It explains why this is essentially an idealist
assumption; and why, as foundations for epistemological discussion, it is
in and of itself incoherent.  It demonstrates that this confusion did not
mar the historical versions of the debate: neither the mediaeval
discussions of divine knowledge nor 17th century scientific controversies
assumed such a ‘God’s eye point of view’.  It also argues for a historicist
position: that whereas, in those early modern controversies, anti-realism
was a genuine form of skepticism, modern anti-realism is not, and cannot
be, a skeptical position.  The main realist arguments, however, are aimed
against the skeptic, and are therefore off-target.

info: dorato at uniroma3.it

*Before printing, think about the environment*

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Mauro Dorato
Professor of Philosophy of Science
Department of Philosophy, Communication and Media Studies, room 220
Roma 3 University, Via Ostiense 234, 00146 Rome, Italy, tel +39 0657338354
fax +39 06
Quaedam ergo nos magis torquent quam debent, quaedam ante torquent quam
debent, quaedam torquent cum omnino non debeant (Seneca, Liber II, Epistula
'Quaeris' inquit 'quid profecerim? amicus esse mihi coepi.' Multum
profecit: numquam erit solus. Scito esse hunc amicum omnibus. Vale. (liber
1, epistula 6
 "Humanas actiones non ridere, non lugere, neque detestari, sed
intelligere" (Baruch Spinoza)
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