[PhilPhys] Call for Papers: Seventh Spacetime Conference

Eniko Regos regos at konkoly.hu
Tue Feb 27 11:48:42 CET 2024

Dear Vesselin, 

Thank you very much. 

it all looks very nice. I can see even my friend Orfeu Bartolami was there (whom I met at a Cospar meeting in LA). 

It was very unfortunate I couldnt be away more last year, I hope I can make it this year. 

All the best, 

Feladó: "Vesselin Petkov" <vpetkov at minkowskiinstitute.com> 
Címzett: philphys at listbox.elte.hu 
Elküldött üzenetek: csütörtök, február 22, 2024 08:59:45 PM 
Tárgy: [PhilPhys] Call for Papers: Seventh Spacetime Conference 

Dear Colleagues, 

The seventh spacetime conference will commemorate the 115th anniversary of the publication (in 1909) of Minkowski's 1908 world-view-changing lecture "Space and Time," which presented the novel ideas of the spacetime structure of the world and the four-dimensional physics of spacetime. It is organized by Minkowski Institute (Montreal) and will be held in the famous Black Sea resort "Albena" (near Varna, Bulgaria) from 16 to 19 September 2024: 


The Scientific Organizing Committee invites papers from physicists, philosophers of physics and philosophers on any topic related to the nature and ontology of spacetime. Suggestions for special sessions on specific topics are welcome. We hope there will be sufficient interest in a special session to mark the 160th anniversary of the birth of Hermann Minkowski (1864-2024) "Minkowski's actual and intended contributions to spacetime physics." 

Extended abstracts of between one and two pages should be emailed to 2024conference at minkowskiinstitute.com by 1 June 2024. Submissions will be reviewed and notification of acceptance will be sent by 15 June 2024. 

To have a better idea of where the conference will be held, you can have a look at pictures taken during the third Minkowski Meeting last September (also held in Albena): 


Scientific Organizing Committee: 
Valia Allori (University of Bergamo) 
James Binkoski (Dartmouth College) 
Carolyn Brighouse (Occidental College, Los Angeles) 
Karen Crowther (University of Oslo) 
Nina Emery (Mount Holyoke College and UMass Amherst) 
Robert Geroch (University of Chicago) 
John B. Manchak (University of California, Irvine) 
Vesselin Petkov (Minkowski Institute, Montreal) 
James Read (University of Oxford) 
Carlo Rovelli (Centre de Physique Théorique de Luminy, Marseille, France) 
Anguel Stefanov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) 

On behalf of the Scientific Organizing Committee, 

Vesselin Petkov 
Minkowski Institute 
Montreal, Canada 
vpetkov at minkowskiinstitute.com 
Personal page: http://vesselinpetkov.com/ 
PhilPhys - Philosophy of Physics Mail Group 
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