[Eltenet-l] Recabling in New York (fwd)

Vid Gabor vidg at georoute.geobio.elte.hu
1999. Ápr. 30., P, 09:51:29 CEST

Tisztelt Kollegak!

Az alabbi tajekoztatast kaptuk a Sztaki illetekesetol!

							Vid Gabor

Vid Gabor                                 
Eotvos Lorand University (ELTE)            Tel: (36)-1-2669833 ext. 2055       
Network Services Centre                         (36)-30-9337458 
Budapest Muzeum krt. 4/c.                  Fax: (36)-1-2668576
1084                                     Email: gabor.vid at elte.hu

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 09:22:48 +0200
From: Zoltan Kalmar <kalmar at ITAK.SZTAKI.HU>
Reply-To: Hungarian IP Backbone Ticket List <HBONE-TICKET at LISTSERV.IIF.HU>
Subject: Recabling in New York (fwd)

A TEN-155 NOC alabbi ertesitese szerint 30-an este 9-tol kimaradasok
varhatok a Hunganet amerikai forgalmaban.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 19:18:25 +0000
From: Vincent Berkhout <Vincent.Berkhout at dante.org.uk>
To: ten-us at dante.org.uk
Cc: howard at dante.org.uk, ops at dante.org.uk
Subject: Recabling in New York

Dear all,

PLease read the appended message from Jose that explained to the NOC 
what we are planning for the next days, including some outages for
*TOMORROW*.  I know this is late notice (apologies) but we would like 
to finish the work before the new circuit comes in place and it will 
allow us to do the management fully remotely. 

In principle we will reinstall the fibres which will cause some short 
outages while repatching which we will try to keep to a minimum.  
The outages will occur between 23h00 and 01h00 Friday to Saturday.

If there are major objections, please let me know ... 


Ps. Tim and Saverio are on site to install the two back-up routers 
and we decided to progress with the patch panels as by major suprise
our local fibre supplier delivered (almost) all the kit in one go!
I prefer the install and changes to be done by our own engineers 
so this is why this is labelled "emergency maintenance". 

Jose wrote :-

There is a major work to be done in the NY POP in the Following days,
starting Thursday 29th of April until Tuesday 4th of May. Tim Streater 
and Saverio Pangoli are in NY for doing maintenance work in the PoP in
 order to:

- Accomodate an additional POS connection coming from Uunet/MCI on 
  Monday 3rd of May.
- Deploy additional Routers to allow the required througput in the Node.
- Install patch pannels and recabling the PoP connections
- Install additional fibers between all the equipment
- Install the Backup Routers and re-engineer the Out Of Band access for 
  the new equipment.

An emergency window, on Friday 30th of April, from 22:00 to 01:00 UK time
(17:00 to 20:00) NY time, has been allocated for the re-wiring of the
connections and the re mounting of the equipment. Some loss of connectivity
can be produced in this interval.

We don’t have the exact schedule now, but the actions are expected to
follow this calendar:

- Thursday: Installation of Routers and patch pannels
- Friday: Continuation and Out of Band connectivity (Rewiring and
re-mounting of equipment to be done, loss of connectivity expected in
emergency window)
- Monday: Additional circuit in place, test basic connectivity (basic ping
to the Uunet side)
- Tuesday: Verification of the circuit and configuration for production
- Wednesday: Put the new POS circuit in production, move ATM traffic to the
POS link.

As soon as more details are known, we will update you with this information.

Can you please confirm that there is no major problems with this planning
so we can carry out this activity on the suggested time-window?


	Jose Manuel de Arce 

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