[Eltenet-l] TEN-US NOC TT:20000211-2 OPEN Mmaintenance on one of the Dante World Service (fwd)

Vid Gabor vidg at georoute.geobio.elte.hu
2000. Feb. 17., Cs, 10:21:17 CET

Vid Gabor                                 
Eotvos Lorand University (ELTE)            Tel: (36)-1-2669833 ext. 2055       
Network Services Centre                         (36)-30-9337458 
Budapest Muzeum krt. 4/c.                  Fax: (36)-1-2668576
1084                                     Email: gabor.vid at elte.hu

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 23:15:39 +0100
From: Istvan Farkas <istvan at SZTAKI.HU>
Reply-To: Hungarian IP Backbone Ticket List <HBONE-TICKET at LISTSERV.IIF.HU>
Subject: TEN-US NOC TT:20000211-2 OPEN Mmaintenance on one of the Dante              World Service (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 17:06:22 +0000 (GMT)
From: trouble at noc.ten-155.net
To: tickets at noc.ten-155.net
Subject: TEN-US NOC TT:20000211-2 OPEN Mmaintenance on one of the Dante World

Ticket Number: 20000211-2                  Ticket Status: OPEN
Ticket Type  : Scheduled                   Ticket Source: TEN-US NOC
Ticket Scope : Dante World Service         Site/Line    : Dante World Service
Ticket Owner : TEN-US NOC                  Problem Fixer: UUnet
Ticket Opened: 20000211 16:57 UTC          Problem Start: 20000211 16:57 UTC
Ticket Update:
Ticket Closed:                             Problem Ends :

Ticket Summary: Mmaintenance on one of the Dante World Service

Problem Description:

UUNet will be carrying out maintenance on one of the Dante World Service
on 17 February. This will occur during thenormal UUnet maintenance
window between 03:00 to 06:00UTC.


Connectivity to US maybe congestetd for 15 minutes during this window

Emiatt nincs epp Europanak TEN-34/155 amerikai kapcsolata.

   Istvan FARKAS                                e-mail : istvan at sztaki.hu
   Computer and Automation Institute            phone  : (361) 349-7532
   H-1132. Budapest, Victor Hugo u 18-22        fax    : (361)329-7866

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