
Geza Gyorgyi gyorgyi at
2009. Júl. 16., Cs, 13:43:08 CEST

Tisztelt ELTENET, 

Az alábbi email-t kaptam.  Miután jelszót kérnek, nyilván krekkerek 
küldték.  Jó, ha Önök is tudnak róla, a spam szűrőjük nem ítélte 


Györgyi Géza

> Dear Webmail User,
> This message was sent automatically by a program on Webmail admin center
> which periodically checks the size of inbox, where new messages are
> received. The program is run weekly to ensure no one's inbox grows too
> large. If your inbox becomes too large, you will be unable to receive new
> emails.
> Just before this message was sent, you had 18 Megabytes (MB) or more of
> messages stored in your inbox. To help us re-set your SPACE on our
> database prior to maintain your INBOX, you must reply to this e-mail and
> enter your Current User name ( ... ... ... ... ) and Password ( ... ...
> ... ... ) e-mail ( ... ... ... ... ).
> You will continue to receive this warning message periodically if your
> inbox size continues to be between 18 and 50 MB. If your inbox size grows
> to 50 MB, then a program on Webmail admin center will move your oldest
> email to a folder in your home directory to ensure that you will continue
> to be able to receive incoming email. You will be notified by email that
> this has taken place. If your inbox grows to 50 MB, you will be unable to
> receive new email as it will be returned to the sender.
> After you read this message, it is best to REPLY with the required
> information to upgrade MailBox.
> Note: Your Account Expire in 2(Days). Reply to this message immediately
> Reactivate your Account.
> Thank you for your cooperation.
> Webmail Help Desk.
> --------------------------------------------

További információk a(z) eltenet-l levelezőlistáról