[MaFLa] Reminder: invitation to a philosophy talk

Krisztina Biber Biberk at ceu.hu
Mon Jan 12 09:07:18 CET 2009

The CEU Philosophy Department cordially invites you to a talk 
(as part of its Departmental Colloquium series)
Laird C. Addis  (University of Iowa))
Ryle and Intentionality

Tuesday, 13. January, 2009, 5.30 PM, Zrinyi 14, Room 412


After some opening comments on how I think one should approach the philosophy of mind, I look at what relatively little Gilbert Ryle had to say explicitly about intentionality, that occurring almost exclusively in his several papers on phenomenology. Then I discuss the notion of intentionality with respect to the doctrines of The Concept of Mind, although neither the word nor the idea, strictly speaking, appears anywhere in the book.  Following more exposition of my own views, including an argument I have made for a certain, specific theory of intentionality, I close with some final reflections on Ryle as a modern-day Aristotelian.

Kriszta Biber
Department Coordinator
Philosophy Department
Tel: 36-1-327-3806
Fax: 36-1-327-3072
E-mail: biberk at ceu.hu 

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