[MaFLa] Modern Japanese Philosophy kurzus
Ropolyi Laszlo
ropolyi at caesar.elte.hu
Sun Nov 2 17:36:01 CET 2014
Tisztelt kollégák!
Az ELTE Tudománytörténet és Tudományfilozófia Tanszék szervezésében hétfőn
kezdődik és két héten át zajlik
Makoto Katsumori (Akita University, Japan)
Modern Japanese Philosophy
című kurzusa. A kurzus szerepel az ELTE kurzuskínálatában, hallgatók
számára is felvehető, vizsgával krediteket is lehet szerezni.
Minden érdeklődő hallgatót és kollégát szívesen látunk.
Az előadások időpontja és helye:
2014. november 3-13 között hétfőtől csütörtökig délután 4-6-ig
az ELTE Lágymányosi Kampuszán (1117 Budapest, Pázmány P. sétány 1/A and
- november 3 és 10 (hétfőn): Északi tömb, -1.62 terem
- november 4 and 11 (kedden): Északi tömb 0.87 terem
- november 5 and 12 (szerdán): Déli tömb 2-502 terem
- november 6 and 13 (csütörtökön): Déli tömb 1-820 terem
A kurzus tervezett programja az alábbiakban (valamint a csatolt fájlban)
Course title: Modern Japanese Philosophy
Course code (ELTE): xn9337 (xxxn9337)
Teacher: Katsumori Makoto, Akita University, Japan
Course language: English
Schedule: The block format course is taught in the first two weeks of
November (3-13), Mondays to Thursdays. Classes are from 4pm to 6pm,
possibly followed by discussion.
Venue: 1117 Budapest, Pázmány P. sétány 1/A and 1/C
November 3 and 10 (Mondays): Northern Building (1/A) room -1.62
November 4 and 11 (Tuesdays): Northern Building (1/A) room 0.87
November 5 and 12 (Wednesdays): Southern Building (1/C) room 2-502
November 6 and 13 (Thursdays): Southern Building (1/C) room 1-820
This course will survey and explore the philosophical thought that has
been developed in modern Japan, stretching from the late nineteenth
century to the present. We will situate modern Japanese philosophy in its
close connection with the newly introduced Western philosophy as well as
non-Western philosophical traditions, specifically Buddhism, and also
examine the social and political implications of philosophical
thought. The focus of our discussion will be on the work of the following
philosophers and thinkers:
(1) Late 19th-century social thinker Fukuzawa Yukichi and his role in the
process of Japan's modernization and imperialist expansion;
(2) Early to middle 20th-century philosophers Nishida Kitaro and Watsuji
Tetsuro, with reference to their positions in the context of war and
(3) Late 20th-century philosopher Hiromatsu Wataru, specifically with his
new approach to Marxism as well as to the philosophy of modern physical
science; and
(4) Contemporary philosophers and thinkers, including Karatani Kojin and
Takahashi Tetsuya, in connection with current social and political issues
in Japan and the world.
Ropolyi László
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