[MaFLa] Filozófiai Kollégium - Etienne Balibar előadása

Takacs Adam takacsadam at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 17 10:29:29 CET 2017

Kedves kollégák!

A  Filozófiai Kollégium meghívására, Etienne Balibar, a nemzetközi hírű francia filozófus, az Université Paris-Ouest és a Kingston University professzora előadást tart az ELTE BTK-n az alábbi címmel:

"From Historical to Absolute Capitalism? Towards a New Critique of Political Economy”

Időpont: 2017. március 22., 18 óra
Helyszín: ELTE BTK (Bp., Múzeum. krt. 4.), Gólyavár, Pázmány Péter terem

Az előadás absztraktja:
The classical Critique of Political Economy, running from Karl Marx’s Capital (Volume One, 1867) to Karl Polanyi’s The Great Transformation (1944), has analyzed a long process of commodification of goods, activities, and resources, which was driven by the logic of unlimited accumulation of money and the subjection of labour to capital. With the dramatic events that simultaneously marked the end of the 20th century: the achievement of financial globalization, and the collapse (or, in the case of China, reversal) of socialist experiences – sometimes combined under the name “neo-liberalism” – a new conviction has arisen that this marks the end of an historic cycle, and the beginning of a new era. There is wide disagreement, however, on its definition and its own tendencies of evolution. The lecture will apply a Marxian-Polanyian category of “real subsumption” and the production of “fictitious commodities” to discuss its intrinsic combination of politics and economy, and its violent instability.

Az előadás az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem és a budapesti Francia Intézet támogatásával jött létre.

Takács Ádám

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