[MaFLa] Robert Rupert előadása

Akos Sivado akos.sivado at gmail.com
Thu May 18 13:54:35 CEST 2017

Kedves Kollégák!

Az MTA BTK Filozófiai Intézetének Tudománytörténet és
Tudományfilozófia Kutatócsoportja
2017. május 24-én 16 órai kezdettel szeretettel meghívja Önöket

Prof. Robert Rupert (University of Colorado, Boulder): "The Primacy of
Subpersonal Content"

című előadására.
Az előadás helyszíne: 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4.

In this talk, I argue that so-called subpersonal content is the
primary form of mental content, by arguing that subpersonal content is
the only kind of content that has a causal-explanatory role to play in
cognitive science or, to the extent that personal-level content plays
a causal-explanatory role in cognitive science, its doing so is
strongly parasitic on the causal-explanatory role of subpersonal
content. Among other points, I emphasize (i) a deep asymmetry in the
modal profiles of the two kinds of content and (ii) the failure of the
distinctive aspects of personal-level content (what is thought of as
its robustly normative nature, for example) to do causal-explanatory
work. Thus, if there is personal-level content, it derives from or
depends upon a more fundamental kind of content, subpersonal content,
not vice versa (contrary to claims of such philosophers as John

Sivadó Ákos

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