[MaFLa] Rafał Smoczyński előadása

FI Titkárság FI.Titkarsag at btk.mta.hu
Fri May 25 13:34:20 CEST 2018

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Az MTA BTK Filozófiai Intézetének vendége lesz Rafał Smoczyński a Lengyel Tudományos Akadémia Filozófiai és Szociológiai Intézetéből (Varsó). Vendégünk 2018. május 29-én, kedden délelőtt 11 órakor tart előadást Intézetünkben, a Trapéz teremben (1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4., 7. emelet, B.7.16).

Az előadás címe:
The intelligentsia habitus in the upward social mobility of the Polish migrants in the UK

Az előadás absztraktja:

Following Bourdieu's definition of habitus as transposable dispositions that direct individual and collective action this paper is concerned with the socialized motivational rules which may govern the course of the upward mobility primarily through the use and accumulating of cultural capital among Polish migrants in the UK. Namely, this papers examines whether the intelligentsia habitus understood as elitist aspirations carried by migrants from Poland to a new setting in the UK could have been detected as "a subjective but not individual system of internalized structures" and whether this elitist "feel of the game" legitimized their strategies on the labour market. It has been on several occasions demonstrated that early formed habitus directs social actions according to internalized aspirations and perceived location in the social hierarchy. For instance, a research conducted in different regions proves that early parental practices have a decisive impact on actual educational attainment and employment opportunities, which are highly correlated with class position of given family, namely working-class children are socialized as "constrained", "dependent", "powerless", while middle class and upper-middle class based children are exposed to empowerment practices that contribute to their successful upward mobility. This paper employs the narrow perspective of the intelligentsia habitus understood as an interpretative framework of social reality and explores whether it organizes, identifies and classifies rules of the social game and provides analysed migrants with the motivational scripts for learning and innovating on the UK labour market.

A rendezvényre a Lengyel és a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia bilaterális programja keretében, Az értelmiség szerepe a kollektív identitások megteremtésében Lengyelországban és Magyarországon a 19. és 20. században című kutatási program részeként kerül sor.

Minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk!

MTA BTK Filozófiai Intézet
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