[MaFLA] Gerald_Hartung_előadása_2023_április_18_BTK_Filozófiai_Intézet

Béla Mester mesterbla at gmail.com
Wed Apr 12 10:27:46 CEST 2023

Kedves Kollégák!

A BTK Filozófiai Intézet szeretettel meghív minden érdeklődőt Gerald
Hartung (Wuppertali Egyetem)

The Invention of Greece as the origin of philosophy and the rise of
German Nationalism Historiography of Philosophy in 19th-century

című előadására.

Az előadás összefoglalója:

The invention of Greece as the origin of philosophy has a long history
that goes back to late antiquity, becomes programmatic in the
Renaissance and has shaped European traditions of thought in the
classifications “Platonism” and “Aristotelianism”. It is a history of
invention and reinvention. I would like to limit my lecture to the
19th century and outline here (a) how the origin of philosophy was
conceived in Greece; (b) at the same time, with Greece, the beginning
and the history of the development of philosophy was established and
(c) with the German history of philosophy, the culmination and ideal
state of the history of philosophy is established. This concept is a
building block of the ideology of Prussia’s world-historical mission,
which leads to the First World War.

Időpont: 2023. április 18. kedd, 14:00

Helyszín: BTK Filozófiai Intézet, 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4., 7.
emelet, Trapéz terem (B.7.16)

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