[MaFLA] Konferenciafelhívás: Utopian Studies Society 2024 conference CFP

Dr. Antal Éva antal.eva at uni-eszterhazy.hu
Sat Jan 20 09:35:46 CET 2024

Kedves Kollégák,

figyelmetekbe ajánlom az európai Utopian Studies Society nemzetközi 
konferenciáját, mely idén július 3-5. között Budapesten a CEU-n kerül 
megrendezésre; a téma: _Utopia and Democracy_. Angol nyelvű 20 perces 
előadás-absztrakttal, illetve 3-4 prezentációból álló panellel, vagy 
workshop ötlettel január 31-ig lehet jelentkezni az usse2024 at ceu.edu 
címen. A részletek lentebb, a továbbított levélben valamint a 
konferencia oldalán elérhetők:


Antal Éva, a szervezők nevében

Dr. Antal Éva
habilitált főiskolai tanár
Anglisztika, Amerikanisztika és Germanisztika Intézet
Eszterházy Károly Katolikus Egyetem
Egészségház u. 4.
Eger 3300

Dr. habil. Eva Antal PhD
College Professor, Institute of English, American and German Studies
Eszterhazy Karoly Catholic University
Egeszseghaz 4
Eger 3300

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I'm very happy to present the CFP for our next conference, 3-5 July, 
2024 in Budapest. Please help us spread the news and advertise this cfp 
within your networks.
Proposal submission deadline: 31 Jan, 2024
The full version is available at 

24th Conference of the Utopian Studies Society/Europe
Democracy Institute of the Central European University
Budapest, Hungary

As historian Péter Hanák argues, Central Europe is a region where 
reality and utopia have always mingled. The multifaceted relationship 
between reality and utopia is at the very center of the 24th Annual 
Conference of the Utopian Studies Society/Europe, that will take place 
in the heart of Central Europe - in Budapest.

Taking its cue from our host in Budapest, Central European University's 
Democracy Institute, this year's event is titled Utopia and Democracy. 
We welcome all interested speakers who aim to enrich the intellectual 
history of the concept of democracy by drawing attention to its 
relationship with various forms of utopianism, whether literary, 
political, philosophical or practical. Beyond the legal and political 
aspects of democratic societies, the organizers of this event encourage 
the perception of democracy in broader terms as a form of socialization 
(to use Miguel Abensour's term). Aspects of democratic societies, such 
as equality, the rule of law, the separation of powers, freedom of 
expression, commitment to the common good, solidarity, plurality of 
opinions, respect for the human dignity of the other (especially the 
political opponent), threats to democratic structures, etc., are among 
the topics that we believe determine our contemporary discussion of the 
relationship between democracy and utopia.

While we particularly welcome topics related to (East) Central Europe, 
presentations and papers will not be restricted to only these suggested 
topics, and as usual, we welcome all papers and presentations related to 
utopia or dystopia, in the realms of history (of ideas), literature, 
politics, the social sciences, architecture or other relevant scholarly 
or artistic fields, also if they extend beyond the topic of democracy.

We invite proposals for individual 20-minute papers, fully formed panel 
sessions with 3 or 4 speakers addressing a shared topic, as well as 
workshops or roundtables on any theme related to the broad topic of 
The official language of the conference is English, but panels in 
languages other than English are also welcome, subject to minimum 

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Professor Nicole Pohl (Oxford Brookes University),
Professor Nathalie Vanfasse (Aix-Marseille University)


Individual Papers
If you want to propose an individual 20-minute paper, please submit a 
200-300-word abstract together with a paper title and three keywords.

Panels (3-4 participants)
To propose a panel (with minimum 3, maximum 4 participants), the chair 
should submit a 400-word abstract for the panel, accompanied by the 
title of the panel, as well as the titles of each individual paper, and 
three keywords for the panel.

Please note that two separate registration forms for individual 
panelists and panel sessions will be available in due time. You will be 
kindly asked to fill in all sections of the forms, save the form as a 
Word document, and email the form to usse2024 at ceu.edu, with the subject 
heading 'USSE2024: [Your Name] Abstract' by 31st January, 2024.

Confirmation of acceptance will be sent out by 29th February, 2024.

As we are aware that many utopian thinkers and practitioners do not 
necessarily want to present their work in the traditional academic 
format, we would be more than happy to accommodate different forms of 
engaging with the broad topic of utopianism, such as performances, 
temporary exhibitions, or any other type of creative/artistic activities 
(in accordance with our spatial and financial limitations). If you wish 
to present your work in this manner, and you find that the registration 
form does not fully correspond to your ideas/concepts, please contact us 
at: usse2024 at ceu.edu, and we will try our best to provide an opportunity 
to present your project.

The conference is supported by Central European University's Democracy 
Institute and the Gerda Henkel Foundation. The full version of the cfp 
is available at https://utopian-studies-europe.org/conference/

Zsolt Czigányik
Secretary of the Utopian Studies Society (Europe) 

Here you can familiarize yourself with our Data Protection Policy: 

Society's Facebook page: 
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