statement against dissolving the HPS department at Eotvos University, Budapest

Storrs McCall storrs.mccall at
Tue Mar 15 20:11:32 CET 2005

Dear Dr Gyenis,

Unfortunately I was not able to open the website with your statement against dissolving the HPS department at Eotvos University, but I very much agree with your position, summarized below.  Please add my name to those who support your stand.  I'm sure that your university can find an alternative to closing the department, which has made a name for itself in many parts of the world.

Yours sincerely, 

Storrs McCall
Professor of Philosophy
McGill University
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Balazs Gyenis 
  To: philphys at 
  Cc: gyepi at ; margocsy at 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 1:11 PM
  Subject: statement against dissolving the HPS department at Eotvos University, Budapest

  Dear All,

  The Hungarian HPS community would very much appreciate your support in the 
  following matter. One of the very few Hungarian HPS departments, the 
  Department of History and Philosophy of Science at Eotvos University, 
  faces immediate dissolution. The Council of Faculty of Science will vote 
  about the issue on the 16th of March; this will be followed by a vote of 
  the University Council, countersigned by the Rector of the University.

  We would kindly ask you to consider signing a general statement opposing 
  this action. Some more information about the case and excerpts from 
  letters from Adolf Grunbaum and Peter Galison are below.

     The website where you can reach the statement:

  Some more details:

  The Faculty of Science at the Eotvos University with which this Department 
  is affiliated got into financial troubles which they plan to "solve" by 
  dissolving the whole HPS Department and dismissing all of its members. (As 
  you might know, Miklos Redei and Laszlo E. Szabo are members of this 
  department.) This very prestigious University has a history of making 
  unsound and ad hoc financial decisions. In case of this decision, for 
  example, only the money paid for salaries was considered, and not the 
  income gained by the work of the department. Therefore, while in financial 
  crisis, the Faculty is likely to act in a way that will not solve this 
  crisis on the long run. The Department produces more money than it takes 
  away (after student*credit the university receives appr. 70 million HUF 
  for the work the department does, while the salaries add up to appr. 37 
  million HUF).

  To my knowledge neither the Rector, nor Dr. Mózes Székely (who is the 
  commissioner appointed to solve the financial troubles of the University - 
  the Dean was suspended) prefers this way of getting around the problem, 
  but this is the solution offered by the Faculty of Science and the vote on 
  the 16th of March seems to be decisive.

  The Free Variables Association prepared a short, general statement to 
  which you might want to join your names (see the link above). The 
  statement reads:

     It is my understanding that Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) is 
  considering the dissolution of the Department of History and Philosophy of 
  Science at the Faculty of Science. As a member of the international 
  community of History and Philosophy of Science, I urge you to reconsider.

     The academic accomplishments of the members of the Department of History 
  and Philosophy of Science at ELTE are recognized around the globe. They 
  publish in widely-read journals, attend international conferences, and 
  have been active in the advancement of the field at large. The department 
  contributes greatly to the international renown of ELTE and its 
  dissolution would negatively impact the university's international 
  standing. It would also deprive the international community of a 
  productive and contributing center of scholarship.

     Based on this, I, the undersigned, request that ELTE, the Faculty of 
  Science of ELTE, Prof. Dr. István Klinghammer (Rector), Dr. Mózes Székely 
  (Head of Center for Scientific Innovation and Grant Affairs) and anyone 
  else involved seek a solution which would not result in the dismissal of 
  the Department of History of Science.

  Further information about the department can be found at Department Chair Gyorgy Kampis can be reached at 
  gk at If you have any comments or questions, please contact 
  Balazs Gyenis (University of Pittsburgh, gyepi at or Daniel 
  Margocsy (Harvard University, margocsy at ).

  Thank you for consideration.


    Balazs Gyenis

  Below are excerpts from letters by Adolf Grunbaum and Peter Galison (for 
  which we are really thankful):

  Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 21:21:41 -0500
  From: Adolf Grunbaum <grunbaum at>
  To: 'Balazs Gyenis' <gyepi at>
  Subject: RE: HPS at Eotvos University
  Dear Colleague Gyenis,
  I hasten to reply to your worrisome and disturbing E-mail of today
  concerning the dire possibility that the HPS Department at ELTE might 
  be abolished, along with the dismissal of such excellent, well-known
  professors as M.Redei and L. Szabo.

  I am writing to say that I am eager to be one of the signatories of the
  general statement which you drew up against the dissolution of the HPS 
  at ELTE. You may append my 3 academic titles at the University of
  Pittsburgh,which are as follows:Andrew Mellon Professor of Philosophy of
  Science; Research Professor of Psychiatry;Chairman of the Center for
  Philosophy of Science.
  I ask that you please convey my high regard for Professors Redei and Szabo
  to the relevant officials at ELTE. And let me thank you very much for the
  initiative you took!
  Best wishes and regards,
  Adolf Grunbaum


  From: Peter Galison <galison at>
  Date: March 12, 2005 10:18:53 AM EST
  To: Daniel Margocsy <margocsy at>
  Cc: Peter Galison <galison at>
  Subject: Re: HPS Department to be dissolved in Hungary - please forward

  - --------------------

  Dear Colleagues,

  I was extremely troubled to learn that the great Eotvos University--which
  all of us admire so much--is contemplating the elimination of its history
  and philosophy of science.  This is a field that is just now growing
  enormously not only in the United States, but throughout Europe as well.
  The Max Planck Institute in Germany, for instance, has grown into a major
  world center, the Centre Koyre in Paris has expanded enormously, and the
  principal sites here, including Chicago, Princeton, Stanford, Penn, Yale,
  and Harvard all have revitalized and significantly expanded their
  programs.  All are concerned with historical, philosophical, and science
  policy questions that are of the first importance now and surely will
  remain so during the coming decades.

  Budapest has long maintained true strength in this area, and it is in part
  because of this enormously illustrious tradition that I so worry about the
  information I have received about a possible closing.  If there is
  anything that I or my colleagues can do to encourage the continuation and
  bolstering of HPS at the Eotvos, please let me know.


  Peter Galison
  Mallinckrodt Prof. of the History of Science and Physics
  Harvard University

  =================== ===================
  Balazs Gyenis                                            64  10  63
  Ph.D. Student                                            30  57  32
  Department of History and Philosophy of Science          43  52  ??
  University of Pittsburgh

  Postal address:                   E-mail:  gyepi at     ,_,
  1017 Cathedral of Learning        Tel:       412-521-0804    (O,O)
  Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA         Fax:       412-624-6825    (   )

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