Update/reminder philphys Paris
Guido Bacciagaluppi
Guido.Bacciagaluppi at univ-paris1.fr
Tue Mar 1 15:41:59 CET 2005
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
below is a reminder of this week's philphys events in Paris
(and of next Monday's conference), as well as some new details
and talks for April.
All the best,
Guido Bacciagaluppi
Institut d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques (IHPST)
13, rue du Four
F-75006 Paris
Fax: +33 / 1 / 43 25 29 48
1) Philosophy of physics seminars
(organisers: G. Bacciagaluppi, M. Bitbol, S. Saunders)
Unless otherwise noted: all sessions in FEBRUARY
take place 17:00-19:00 in the grande salle at IHPST
(13, rue du Four), those in MARCH 17:15-19:15 in the library
(salle 315) at CREA (25, rue de la Montagne Sainte-Geneviève).
Friday 4 Mar:
Simon Saunders, on Putnam's paradox.
Friday 8 April: 17:00-19:00 in the grande salle at IHPST
Alexei Grinbaum, on the Clifton-Bub-Halvorson results.
(other talks in April still TBA)
2) Conference on "Structuralism in physics III", 7th of March,
Amphitheatre Stourdze, 25, rue de la Montagne Ste Genevieve.
For further details, see Michel Bitbol's page:
3) From the programme of the
Séminaire de philosophie des sciences de l'IHPST
at the Ecole Normale Superieure
(organiser: A. Barberousse <barberou at heraclite.ens.fr>).
Le séminaire a lieu tous les lundis de 11h à 13h.
- lundi 4 avril, Salle des Actes, 45 rue d'Ulm :
Huw Price (University of Sydney)
Sommerfeld's Puzzling Prescription - New Thoughts
on the Arrow of Radiation
- lundi 18 avril, Salle Weil, 45 rue d'Ulm :
Hervé Zwirn (CNRS, CMLA et IHPST)
Préférences indéterminées et formalisme quantique
en théorie de la décision
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