PPP seminar series

Claus Beisbart Claus.Beisbart at uni-konstanz.de
Wed Apr 20 22:36:10 CEST 2005


        the P(hilosophy)P(robability)P(hysics) seminar series is online now. 
For the program check: 


        Everybody is welcome


                Claus Beisbart

P.S. here is a short overview:

Thursday, 21 April 2005

      IGPP Freiburg, Konferenzraum Wilhelmstraße 1b

      2:15-3:45pm: "Quantum Information Does Exist", Ari Duwell (Konstanz)

      4:15-5:45pm: "In Defence of Dogma", Amit Hagar (Konstanz)

Friday, 13 May 2005 (Joint meeting with the PPM group)

      University of Konstanz, Z9 Teeküche

      1:15-2:45pm: " Quantum Theory and Causality - Recent Experiments ", 
                             Brigitte Falkenburg (Dortmund)

      3:15-4:45pm: "Pessimistic Meta-Induction and the Exponential Growth of
                             Science", Ludwig Fahrbach (Konstanz)

Friday, 10 June 2005 (joint meeting with the PPM group)

      University of Konstanz, Z9 Teeküche

       1:15-2:45pm: "TBA", Domenico Giulini (Freiburg)

       3:15-4:45pm: "What's so special about general relativity?", Oliver 
                             Pooley (Oxford)

Friday, 15 July 2005 (joint meeting with the PPM group))

      University of Konstanz, Z9 Teeküche

       1:15-2:45pm: "Counterfactuals and Entropy", Matthias Frisch (Baltimore)

       3:15-4:45pm: "TBA", Christian Wüthrich (Pittsburgh)

Dr. Claus Beisbart
Philosophy, Probability, and Modeling Group
Center for Junior Research Fellows
University of Konstanz
P.O. Box M 682
78457 Konstanz
Claus.Beisbart at uni-konstanz.de
Tel.: ++49 7531 88 4736
FAX:  ++49 7531 88 4898 
Homepage: http://www.uni-konstanz.de/ppm/beisbart

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