philosophy of physics in Paris

Guido Bacciagaluppi Guido.Bacciagaluppi at
Thu Mar 9 22:51:29 CET 2006

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

here is the usual announcement/reminder about
philosophy of physics activities in Paris:

1) The programme of the Friday seminars already
organised, until early April.

2) Journée: Mécanique quantique et sciences humaines, 24 March.

3) Second PPP mini-conference, 8 April.

4) The programme of the REHSEIS seminar for March and April.

Details below.
 		All the best,
 			         Guido B.


1) Philosophy of physics seminars
(organisers: G. Bacciagaluppi, M. Bitbol, A. Grinbaum)

Unless otherwise noted: sessions marked IHPST take place in
the Grande Salle at IHPST (13, rue du Four), those marked CREA
in the library (salle 315) at CREA (25, rue de la Montagne
Sainte-Geneviève [due to the possibility of checks at the
entrance, please have a form of ID with you]).

Friday 10 March, 16:00-18:00 (CREA)
Étienne Klein (CEA-Saclay)
(talk in French)(l'exposé sera fait en français)

The conclusion drawn after a 1996 conference on the 'arrow of time' was that
'We feel it is not an overstatement to say that the main question posed by 
the time's arrow problem is to be able to say exactly what it is'. More 
than 130 years past Boltzmann's work on the interpretation of 
irreversibility of physical phenomena, we are still not sure what we mean 
when we talk of 'time' or 'arrow of time'.  We shall try to show that one 
source of this difficulty is our tendency to confuse time and becoming, 
i.e. the course of time and the arrow of time, two 'things' that the 
formalisms of modern physics are careful to distinguish.

Friday 17 March, TO BE CONFIRMED

Friday 24 March, NO SEMINAR, instead see 2)

Friday 31 March,
Gabriel Catren
La Structure géométrique des théories de Yang-Mills

Friday 7 April, NO SEMINAR, instead on 8 April, see 3)

2) Journée:

Mécanique quantique et sciences humaines

( )

Vendredi 24 Mars 2006
Amphithéâtre Stourdzé, 25, rue de la Montagne
Sainte-Geneviève, 75005 Paris

9h00 : Introduction par M. Bitbol

9h30 « La théorie quantique comme théorie de la
connaissance particulière, mais non nécessairement physique »
Alexei Grinbaum

10h15 « Modélisation des préférences utilisant
le formalisme quantique »
Hervé Zwirn

11h00 Pause

11h15 « Logique quantique et sciences du comportement »
Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky

12h00 « Le marché comme processus non-écrivable de
changement de contextes de processus écrivables »
Elie Ayache

12h45-14h30 Déjeuner

14h30 « Sur la structure quantique des processus
de perception selon Patrick Heelan »
Michel Bitbol

15h15 « Paradoxes quantiques dans les décisions
humaines : de Newcomb à la rétro-induction »
Jean-Pierre Dupuy

16h00 (Titre à préciser)
Philippe Henrotte

16h45 Table ronde avec Bas Van Fraassen

3) Philosophy, Probability and Physics

This is a series of joint mini-conferences organised
in London and Paris by Stephan Hartmann (LSE) and Guido
Bacciagaluppi (IHPST).

The second mini-conference will take place at

 	IHPST, 13, rue du Four (grande salle)
 	Saturday 8 April 2006.
 	Further details to be announced.

See also:

'Les raisons de l.à-peu-près'
Informations :
Nadine de Courtenay decourtenay at
Olivier Darrigol darrigol at

REHSEIS: Université Paris 7 - Denis Diderot
Dalle "Les Olympiades" - Centre javelot
105, rue de Tolbiac ou 59 rue Nationale
75013 PARIS
1er étage gauche

Mardi 21 Mars 2006, 17h00 - 19h00
Allan Franklin (University of Colorado)
Experimental approximations: Robert Millikan, the fifth Force,
and the 17-keV neutrino

Mardi 28 Mars 2006, 17h00 - 19h00
Hasok Chang (Imperial College, London)
Successive approximations and the precision of measurements

Mardi 4 Avril 2006, 17h00 - 19h00
Léna Soler (Archives Poincaré, Nancy)
Nature et fonction des approximations mises en jeu dans la
découverte du courant neutre faible

Mardi 25 Avril 2006, 17h00 - 19h00
Moritz Epple (Université de Francfort)
Precision versus exactness in applied mathematics, especially

Guido Bacciagaluppi
Institut d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques
13, rue du Four
F-75006 Paris
Fax: +33 / 1 / 43 25 29 48
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