testing philphys

Laszlo E. Szabo laszlo.e.szabo at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 15:50:41 CEST 2006

Dear "philphys" List Members!

This is just a test-mail, since there has been no traffic through the 
list for several weeks.
I would like to take the opportunity to inform you that there are about 
450 subscribers on the list. So, don't hesitate, please, to post 
information  that might be of interest to the philosophy/foundations of 
physics community!

Let me also call your attention to the following frequently encountered 
problem: You are supposed to send your own messages (including 
confirmation of subscription, etc.) from the *same* email address that 
you subscribed with! The reason of this restriction is to avoid junk mails.

Best wishes,

Laszlo E. Szabo

L a s z l o   E.   S z a b o
Theoretical Physics Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
Eotvos University, Budapest
http://phil osophy.elte.hu/leszabo

Mail group "philphys"
ESF Network for Philosophical and
Foundational Problems of Modern Physics
Help & Archive: http://philosophy.elte.hu/philphys.html

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