message for philphys archive members

marvin eli kirsh kirsh2152000 at
Sun Apr 1 00:08:43 CEST 2007

Dear sir: I had just subscribed today to philphys archive.  
     I have enclosed manuscript that has hardly been read, and is currently in review, that  I wished to distribute for reading.and comments.   The title is self explanatory. It can be opened with the PDF reader available free from
   As a prelude I wish to just add a couple of comments  and a quote, I believe to be good and appropiate to the topic.
"Einstein originally declared that the distortions of special relativity
reflect real changes to the objects being remotely observed, then
 Tilton, H.B.,  Smarandache, F. ed.  Today'sTake On Einsteins'  Relativity  Proceedings  Of The Conference At Pima Community College East Campus Feb 18 2005 Pima College Press
    2) "In a lecture that Einstein gave to the Prussian Academy of Sciences in 1921, he said the following: "Geometry predicates nothing about relations of real things, but only geometry together with the purport of physical laws can do so... The idea of the measuring rod and the idea of the clock contained with it in the theory of relativity do not find their exact correspondence in the real world. It is also clear that the solid body and the clock do not in the conceptual edifice of physics play the part of irreducible elements, but that of composite structures, which may not play any independent part in theoretical physics." 
 Tilton and Samarandche(above).
   I am also ( to provide a suitable orientation from a common perspective with regards to my approach ) ncluding some  sections of my writing also appearing at:  requires membership to the Philosophical Society of England
  With reference to the catagorizations of all the possible operations upon a shpere which yield a sphere  and its' discussed applications.
      Sir: This is very appealing in terms of a contrast between the visually perceivable and the mystiques of hidden unknowns, deeper meanings .-hidden symmetry and connections in terms of motions, of mathematical operations.. One might easily envision how one might think to apply it to a real world of motions and life. 
However, and still with a great respect for those drawn to puzzles and the unknown, I wish to quote something from Einstein that I think is applicable:
"Geometry predicates nothing about relations of real things, but only geometry together with the purport of physical laws can do so... The idea of the measuring rod and the idea of the clock contained with it in the theory of relativity do not find their exact correspondence in the real world. It is also clear that the solid body and the clock do not in the conceptual edifice of physics play the part of irreducible elements, but that of composite structures, which may not play any independent part in theoretical physics." 
  One might think, and I appreciate the great deal of “sweat and struggle” involved in this approach”, to be able to find new relation among things from what already is postulated and translated to be of the natural world, to piece together, as must endeavor so from any approach, motion, biological evolution from the inert, to establish a unity. An artist can always state that his accomplishment is a product of his life experiences, “struggle and sweat”, in that one must not become too engaged in the pursuit of an actual truth from mathematical orientations in his testing and play that he might become too obsessed with unlieing numbers than the oddities and processes that govern the world. One can be deceived from the corners and interactions and apparent connections of a 'mathematical kaleidoscope' in that it resembles alone and with empirical comparison, those(non-linear = not obvious with the line of sight) facts of the world for which at the outset we had no connecting
 thoughts to ourselves. 
I am taking this opportunity to relate my view as I hold it of very high priority that technology based on the economic, in its approaches to the environment is not unable to effectively change the “temperature” of it, to fit its’ own cognitive perceptions and rationally assembled premonitions, associated with empirical test, to a lifting bootstraps level with a resulting blinded view i.e. “the temperature is what I thought it was and measures the same”, but is not an unbiased sample-voted to rule, ruled to vote from an economically biased and compulsive, linearly presented numbers racket looking over the shoulders of a self supported official number racket club. 
  I do not intend this description as excessively sarcastic or ridiculing, but it is a matter of the life and breath of every individual on this earth in that he knows that a contrivance can aid him up a hill, but he would not vote to change the actual level or accept the say so of anyone; a question, also, of a real level, its potential vulnerability to description, not arise to his contemplations.
In establishing theory of life and matter, in the beating of life into mathematics, in birth, neither the baby nor the obstetrician often recall the events, yet either on later witness or memory can make statements about it emerging from, or emerging to no more than the same and supplying in reality no bearing on scientific advancement, the mystiques of life, but only on bearing babies; insights this way should not be interpreted-renamed as something else. Comical, perverse and a little pathetic, is the inclination to bear 'scientific experiments' in terms of cloning living things. If one reflects with a strong common sense, these two different acts are mutually exclusive. In analogy, the energy from matter in the bombing of Japan during World War II might had supplied enough energy to light all of the lights of the earth for a time, and if one were to construe that light-electrical energy is an apriori need for continuation-it is very expensive if not self defeating in
 light of the absense of an initial understanding of nature and a potential ability to cause ourselves harm resulting from abuse by means of exploitation. 

  Posted by: Marvin Kirsh | March 25, 2007 08:04 AM
     2)  requires membership to the Philosophical Society of England
  with reference to theories of existance and a comment on habbit -"hard wiring" of men. 
  I think the biggest error of modern times, related to the mechanization and categorization of things, ..the smallness becoming us of the in the allowing of others to define things for us. With a key word "diversity" in mind, and it's highest level as the best level for survival, and survival time, the word hard wiring almost indicates-reminds me of the physically heavy and obvious, mechanical objects, engineered things for strength, whereas the important things, I think, are light, awkward, flimsy looking and not too indirect that we are not aware of them. The wind direction, it's light variabilities are more important in real life than the ways of science and engineering, and perceived differently for each person. No one should let another define them, try to make a science out of individualities. I dont think requires much effort , but awareness and self reminder to make such a list of better hierarchies. 
As an example, take an artwork, what the artist says of it, what critiques say.. the artist can define what he drew with relation to himself, the critique can say how he liked it from his expertise, but all comments from any source are ultimately about the diversity(number of lines, unique arrangement with respect to your own life experience) encountered when the artwork meets the eye. If a comment of another rules your own thought, you are being ruled, reduced in diversity, as if a mixture of two things that automatically is less, when added, than either of the two original opinions. You are your own creator-if the creation of another rules you, then the ruled creation is your (lesser added) creation also, and not the maximum or best for your self and for society. Everyone is different, the rare individual, more different from the rest, and in a greater position to create more from the contrasts, is also able to oppress himself resulting in an oppressed creation. This
 concept is also not equal to facts of inhibition, being a minority, fear to express what is different, but only related to what your mind creates of the world, being aware and enlightened.
I can envision that people can get hard wired in complex, overpopulated, environments , where there is a greater sensory input from added extraneous sources, the categorization-organization of the knowledge of mankind, but this(the ordered knowledge of mankind) is also a matter of critique and self creation (of however many), and is also a matter of the self , self survival, and the total and total survival-especially when it filters too deeply on the individual. Who is to control this(very high probability of occurrence phenomenon); who has the ultimate say but the individual? Society can spiral upwards or downwards with respect to this: I think even over population could come into check from peoples thinking, without scientific or medical analysis and intervention, from a personal enlightenment and awareness-shared instincts, emerged intuition, I think, can serve alone. I do not think civilization has ever been along this road, to know . 
  Posted by Marvin Kirsh in Philosophical Pathways Conferences -Theories of Existance.
  The main  point in my writings is that 
     1) man obviously has not found a place for himself inthe studies of the physical world or in his philosophies.(re:   Gilmore, Cody (2006) Where in the Relativistic World Are We?. Philosophical Perspectives,   
     20, Metaphysics (2006).
     2) reflected only on his accrued knowledge of history in a non-catogorized way with respect to fundamental processes(i.e scientific law).
     3)  In fundamental science theory construction had defined elements such as velocity (maybe to express notions of motion as essential to all things)  in a primary position with respect to definitions of time  (e.g -the established velocity of light is held as a standard to define distance in the Washibngton Bureau of Standards).
     4) Leaning towards and proceeding from the theory of relativity, all the  physical sciences are frustrated with a lack of found symmetry and fundamental ordering in terms of its empirical  tests for coincidence of reality with theory, the latter (reality)  seems to protrude from abstraction rather than the opposite.   An ensuing frustration is observed, reflected from the apparent fact that all of the major catagories and issues of this are identified and correctly named without question,  a resolution is unknown, waitng on  empirical verification of very complex mathematics, is circular appearing and in likeness  to that which is the subject of frustration-i.e a cancerous adding  of mathematical additions and natural mathematical constant: the self generation  and replication phenomenom of the life sciences -has no good footing. 
      A very new idea of "emergence",  that is, in my opinion, more aligned to the natural world appeared recently in Nature magazine.(Nature 446, 379 (22 March 2007) | doi:10.1038/446379a; Published online 21 March 2007 Connections Frontier at Your Fingertips, Piers Coleman)
     In my manuscript I have tried to define:
    (time-as an incremental of distances of appropiate and innapproiate contributing factors) 
                 (witness associated  change)
  as the "paradigm-equation" for  all things.   I employ the energy relations of Newton and Einstein to demonstrate (from ascribed distances with time as a common universal factor a three dimensional egg shape. The property of  transmission, I believe is the first and only observation in the sciences, of common sense-I think as the actual  topic of pursuit is also the only topic of which any accrued knowledge  can be extracted.  
  Marvin Kirsh
  kirsh2152000 at



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