[PhilPhys] CFP: eidos Metaphysics Conference

Wuthrich, Christian wuthrich at UCSD.EDU
Mon Mar 31 23:36:03 CEST 2008


Last Call for Papers

University of Geneva, Switzerland, 15th-18th July, 2008

Website: http://www.philosophie.ch/eidos/events2008/eidosmc.shtml

The Department of Philosophy of the University of Geneva
(http://www.unige.ch/lettres/philo/) and the Geneva centre of metaphysics eidos (http://www.philosophie.ch/eidos/) are organising a major metaphysics conference, which will take place from the 15th to the 18th of July 2008 in Geneva. This four-day conference will be devoted to covering a wide range of topics within the area of metaphysics. The conference will be broken down into four main themed sections over the four days:

Object and Property
Time and Change
Modality and Essence

Invited Speakers:

Object and Property: Crispin Wright (NYU, St. Andrews) 
Time and Change: Robin Le Poidevin (Leeds) 
Modality and Essence: Kit Fine (NYU)
Meta-metaphysics: Stephen Yablo (MIT)

Symposium panellists will include:

Ross Cameron (Leeds)
John Divers (Leeds)
Thomas Hofweber (North Carolina)
Kathrin Koslicki (Tufts)
Ned Markosian (Western Washington University) 
Daniel Nolan (Nottingham) 
Josh Parsons (Otago) 
L. A. Paul (University of Arizona) 
Brad Skow (MIT) 
Amie Thomasson (Miami)


We welcome submissions on topics in metaphysics suitable for 60 minute parallel sessions: 40 minute talks followed by a 20 minute discussion.
The language of the conference is English. One page abstracts summarising the main theme and arguments should be sent to eidosmc at gmail.com by *31st March 2008*. Notification of acceptance will be sent by *30th April*.

Submissions should be sent in two parts:
a) one file including the abstract, the section in which the paper is to be presented and the title of the paper, and
b) a second file containing the section, the title of the paper, the
name(s) of the author(s) and institutional affiliation(s).
Full versions of the abstracts will be used in the Volume of Abstracts.

Travel and accommodation:

We regret that speakers' travel and accommodation expenses cannot be reimbursed, but advice and information on affordable travel and accommodation will be made available. Some grants may be available for outstanding submissions from graduate students.


The conference is organised under the auspices of the newly created Geneva centre of metaphysics eidos (http://www.philosophie.ch/eidos/) by:

Fabrice Correia (University of Geneva, eidos) Amanda Garcia (University of Geneva, eidos) Jessica Leech (University of Geneva, eidos) Johannes Stern (University of Geneva, eidos)


Christian Wüthrich, PhD
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
            and of Science Studies
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, 0119
La Jolla, CA 92093, USA

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