[PhilPhys] Reminder: Sigma Club talk on Monday - Joseph Berkovitz

R.P.Frigg at lse.ac.uk R.P.Frigg at lse.ac.uk
Sat Feb 7 14:58:12 CET 2009

Monday 9 February, 5:15-7:00 pm

Joseph Berkovitz

University of Toronto

On Predictions in Retro-causal interpretations of Quantum Mechanics

Abstract. The curious correlations between distant events in quantum phenomena suggest the existence of non-local influences. Indeed, as John Bell demonstrated in his celebrated theorem, granted some plausible premises any quantum theory will predict the existence of such non-local influences. One of the theorem's premises is that the probability distribution of states that systems may assume is independent of the measurements that they undergo at a later time. Retro-causal interpretations of quantum mechanics postulate backward influences from the measurement events to the state of systems at an earlier time, and accordingly violate this premise. We argue that due to these influences, retro-causal interpretations predict the existence of closed causal loops, which pose challenges for the predictive and explanatory power of these interpretations.

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