[PhilPhys] Fwd: Postdoctoral Position in philosophy of physics/metaphysics at Monash University

Huw Price huw at mail.usyd.edu.au
Tue Jul 28 11:53:41 CEST 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Toby Handfield <toby.handfield at arts.monash.edu.au>
Date: Jul 28, 2009 5:58 PM
Subject: Postdoctoral Position in philosophy of physics/metaphysics at
Monash University
To: aphil-l at coombs.anu.edu.au

The School of Philosophy and Bioethics at Monash University invites
 applications for a one year postdoctoral fellowship (Level B, salary
 AUD79,269) to commence sometime between February and September 2010.
 The fellow will be employed to contribute to a research project
 relating to the metaphysics and physics of time, however there is
 considerable scope for latitude in the research to be pursued.
 Applicants are required to have a Ph.D. by the date of commencement,
 and to have expertise in philosophy of physics and/or metaphysics of
 time. Expertise in general relativity and recent work on quantum
 gravity may be an advantage. Enquiries graham.oppy at arts.monash.edu.au.

 Applicants should send an application letter and CV to Sandra Bolton,
 School of Philosophy and Bioethics, Monash University, Victoria 3800
 or electronically (preferred) to sandra.bolton at arts.monash.edu.au by
 Friday 23 October.
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