[PhilPhys] Fwd: [SIFA] CFPSILFS 2010 Extended deadline

Mauro Dorato mauro.dorato at gmail.com
Wed Jun 2 19:28:09 CEST 2010

dear Gary
could you please circulate?

SILFS 2010: International Conference of the Italian Society for Logic and
Philosophy of Sciences

Contributed papers are invited to the International Conference of the SILFS
(Società Italiana di Logica e Filosofia delle Scienze).

The conference will take place at University of Bergamo, Bergamo (Italy),
from 15-17 December 2010.

For details of the Association (SILFS) and the Conference (SILFS2010) see
the SILFS website at http://www.unibg.it/silfs

Papers are welcome in any of the six different sections of the conference as

1. Logic and Applications

2. Philosophy of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

3. Philosophy of Life Sciences and of Cognitive Sciences

4. Methodology and Philosophy of Science

5. Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences

6. Epistemology and the History of Science

Confirmed keynote speakers:

Samson Abramsky, Wolfson College - Oxford

Amit Hagar, Indiana University

Peter Janich, Philipps Universitaet - Marburg

Angus Macintyre, Queen Mary - University of London

Samir Okasha, University of Bristol

Stathis Psillos, University of Athens

Abstracts of contributed papers should be submitted directly to the
Programme Committee through the webpage

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 June 2010

Notification of acceptance: 31 July 2010

Abstracts must not exceed 600 words, should start with the number and title
of the relevant section, followed by the title of the paper, the author's
name, address, and email address.

For example:

Section 4. Methodology and Philosophy of Science


Moritz Schlick Jnr.,

University of Logical Positivism,

1925 Carnapstrasse, Twin Vienna, Otherland.0

mschlick at viennacircle.com

Abstracts received will be refereed by the Conference Programme Committee.
Authors of selected contributions will be invited by the Programme Committee
to submit a full paper for a refereed volume to be published after the

Details on venue and accommodation are available on the SILFS 2010 website.

Mauro Dorato
Department of Philosophy
University of Rome 3
Via Ostiense 234
00144 Rome, Italy
tel +39 06 57338523
fax +39 06

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