[PhilPhys] PhD Scholarships at LSE

R.P.Frigg at lse.ac.uk R.P.Frigg at lse.ac.uk
Mon Oct 25 19:01:38 CEST 2010

Several full PhD scholarships are available for 2011 entry into the PhD Programme in the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method at LSE:

1. LSE Philosophy Scholarship

The Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method at the London School of Economics offers one full PhD Scholarship every year. The Scholarship covers tuition fees and living expenses of £13,000 each year for three years, with annual renewal subject to satisfactory academic performance. They are available both for Home UK/EU and Overseas students undertaking research in philosophy within the department. From the second year onwards, students will ordinarily teach up to three undergraduate classes (1h/week each for 20 weeks) as part of their funding. Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and research potential.

2. LSE PhD Scholarships

The LSE offers a number of full scholarships for new PhD students. The scholarships cover fees and living expenses of £13,000 each year for three years. They are available for Home UK/EU and Overseas students undertaking research in any LSE discipline, with annual renewal subject to satisfactory academic performance at the School. Scholarships will be awarded on academic merit and research potential.

3. AHRC Block Grants

The Arts and Humanities research Council (AHRC) offers PhD funding via its Doctoral Awards Scheme. Doctoral awards provide support for up to three years of full-time study, or up to five years of part-time study. Under the AHRC's new Block Grant Scheme the LSE has two philosophy scholarships every year.

The AHRC has eligibility restrictions in place. The regulations state that to be eligible for a full award, the candidate must show that s/he has "a relevant connection with the UK, usually through residence". This is commonly taken to mean that candidates fall in one of the following categories: (a) they are UK citizens; (b) they are EU citizens who have spent the last three years in the UK either in full time education, full time work, or part time study/work; (c) they are non-EU citizens who have spent the last three years in the UK in full time employment (but not as students). If you do not fall within either of these groups but believe you have a relevant connection to the UK it is worth checking with the AHRC whether they would consider your application.

Students can be considered for all of these scholarships as soon as they have submitted their application for the MPhil/PhD programme. Those who wish to be considered should send an email to philosophy.phd at lse.ac.uk. The deadline for applications for the LSE Philosophy Scholarship, LSE PhD Scholarships, and the AHRC PhD scholarship is January 15.

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