[PhilPhys] Philosphy postdoc position at Oxford

Christopher Timpson christopher.timpson at bnc.ox.ac.uk
Thu Oct 28 10:43:28 CEST 2010

Dear All (apologies for cross-postings),

I'd be grateful if you could bring this announcement to the attention of those who might be interested to apply.

Best wishes,

Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Philosophy

Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Philosophy


Quantum Nanoscience: Fundamental Physics, Emerging Structures and Implications for Our Ultimate Reality

Grade 7: £28,983 - £35,646 per annum (as at 1 August 2009)

Applications are invited for a fixed-term, full-time postdoctoral position to work on philosophical questions arising from current quantum physics and its advances in the experimental control of individual quantum states in nanosystems and in the abstract description of information flow. The post is available from 4 January 2011 or such later date as is agreed until 31 December 2013, and is not renewable.

The successful candidate will have expertise in philosophy of physics or philosophy of religion/theology, as well as in some core areas of philosophy relevant to the epistemology and ontology of information (philosophy of science, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, metaphysics), with evidence of, or evidence of potential for producing, distinguished research in philosophy. By the date of appointment, candidates must have received (or have submitted their thesis for) the degree of PhD (or equivalent).

The post forms part of a highly interdisciplinary project, the overall aim of which is to shape the emerging discipline of quantum nanoscience by fostering research at the interfaces between existing fields. The project will bring together the areas of experimental quantum nanoscience, theory of quantum control, fundamentals of quantum information, and philosophy of physics. The person appointed will therefore be expected to display willingness and ability to engage with others in the project regarding both the philosophical issues and the practice and content of experimental and theoretical work in physics and computer science.

The successful candidate will be expected to conduct research on the nature of information, its flow and physical instantiation. This might include questions regarding the relations between the abstract and the concrete, and the interaction between quantum, classical, and other levels of description. Further topics will include implications of our understanding of information and its physical manifestation for broader issues such as the mind and its place in nature, or theological questions concerning the incarnation of the divine. The person appointed will also be expected to contribute to the project in other ways, for example, by helping to organise conferences; by supervising the work of doctoral students; and by developing grant applications. In addition, he or she may be asked to undertake some duties for the Faculty of Philosophy, including lecturing and examining.

Further information about this post (including details of how to apply) and about the key aims of the project can be found in the further particulars, available here<http://www.philosophy.ox.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0012/17301/FPs_-_Philosophy_RA_Quantum_Nanoscience_FINAL.pdf> (PDF), the application form can be downloaded as (PDF<http://www.philosophy.ox.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0014/17501/Application_Form_Quantum_Nanoscience.pdf>) or (DOC<http://www.philosophy.ox.ac.uk/vacancies/docs/Application_Form_Quantum_Nanoscience.doc>), or by contacting the Assistant Administrator, Faculty of Philosophy, 10 Merton Street, Oxford, OX1 4JJ (telephone: + 44 1865 276934; fax: + 44 1865 276932; email: jobs at philosophy.ox.ac.uk<mailto:generic%20email at philosophy.ox.ac.uk>).

The deadline for receipt of applications is 12.00 noon on 19 November 2010.
Contact christopher.timpson at bnc.ox.ac.uk<mailto:christopher.timpson at bnc.ox.ac.uk> with informal enquiries.
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