[PhilPhys] Itamar Pitowsky Prize - call for nominations
Orly Shenker
orly.shenker at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 07:32:11 CET 2011
Call for Nominations
For the 2012 Itamar Pitowsky Prize
in the philosophy of modern physics
The Edelstein Centre for the History and Philosophy of Science at the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem invites your suggestions in soliciting
suitable nominations for the 2012 *Itamar Pitowsky prize* *in the
philosophy of modern physics*. The award carries an amount of $4000, and is
awarded every year at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
The prize is intended to continue Itamar Pitowsky’s life long work, by
encouraging the development of research in the philosophy of science and in
particular the philosophy of modern physics in Israel and stimulating this
important field of research.
The prize committee will select an active scholar,
· whose research is in the philosophy of modern physics,
· who has completed the PhD (or has already submitted a PhD thesis),
· and who is either working in Israel or has studied in Israel.
· The committee will prefer scholars at early stages of their career.
The prize was awarded for the first time in 2011, to Dr Boaz Tamir.
Prize winners are required to participate in the award ceremony, on January
29, 2012, in Jerusalem.
A nomination should consist of (1) a brief description of the significance
of the work of the nominees, (2) names and contact details of two referees,
(3) any other information as the nominator might think helpful to the
evaluation committee, and (4) contact details of both nominator and nominee.
The deadline for submission of nominations is December 15, 2011.
For further details, and for nominations, please write to:
Dr Orly Shenker
Program in the History and Philosophy of Science
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jerusalem 91905, Israel
orlyshenker at mscc.huji.ac.il
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