[PhilPhys] Minkowski Institute Press and Minkowski's papers on relativity

Vesselin Petkov vpetkov at minkowskiinstitute.org
Thu Aug 30 06:42:15 CEST 2012

Dear Colleagues,

This is a one-time message to announce the launching of a new academic 
publisher - the Minkowski Institute Press (MIP):


MIP's first book is:

Hermann Minkowski, Space and Time: Minkowski's papers on relativity 
(Minkowski Institute Press, Montreal 2012), 123 pages.

Minkowski's three papers have never been published together either in German 
or English and Das Relativitätsprinzip has not been translated into English 
so far. More information about the book is available at:


Its free version is also available there as well as in Apple's iBookstore:


MIP will publish textbooks (and lecture notes), monographs, and introductory 
science and technology books for a wider audience. All books will be ebooks, 
but print on demand is available; we have received advanced orders for the 
first book and a week ago the first 110 softcover copies were printed, half 
of which are now already sold.

Four distinct features of MIP are:

(i) offering books at affordable prices as a means to reach more readers all 
over the world,

(ii) authors receive 20-25% royalties based on the ebook price (royalties 
options are given in the publishing agreement the authors sign),

(iii) rapid publication; once a book is accepted (after a reasonable review 
period) and the submitted manuscript is in LaTeX, MIP will try to publish 
the ebook within a month.

(iv) most of the profit will be one of the steady sources of funding of a 
new institute (http://minkowskiinstitute.org/); so publishing with MIP will 
support the Minkowski Institute.

If you would like to receive the MIP Newsletter (announcing new 
publications), send a blank email to info at minkowskiinstitute.org.

Best wishes,

Vesselin Petkov
vpetkov at minkowskiinstitute.org
Institute for Foundational Studies "Hermann Minkowski"
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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