[PhilPhys] Call for Papers - Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, Issue 8

HAPSAT hapsat at gmail.com
Mon Dec 2 23:17:01 CET 2013

Call for Papers - *Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and
Philosophy of Science*

*Spontaneous Generations* is an open, online, peer-reviewed academic
journal published by graduate students at the Institute for the History and
Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Toronto. It has
published seven issues and is a well-respected journal in the history and
philosophy of science and science and technology studies. We invite
interested scholars to submit papers for our eighth issue.

We welcome submissions from scholars in all disciplines, including but not
limited to HPS, STS, History, Philosophy, Women's Studies, Sociology,
Anthropology, and Religious Studies. Papers examining any time period are

The journal consists of four sections:

   -  A focused discussion section consisting of short peer-reviewed and
   invited articles devoted to a particular theme. The theme for our eighth
   issue is "Science and Social Inequality"* (see a brief description below).
    Recommended length for submissions: 1000-3000 words.
   -  A peer-reviewed section of research papers on various topics in the
   field of HPS. Recommended length for submissions: 5000-8000 words.
   -  A book review section for books published in the last 5 years.
   Recommended length for submissions: up to 1000 words.
   - An opinions section that may include a commentary on or a response to
   current concerns, trends, and issues in HPS. Recommended length for
   submissions: up to 500 words.

 **Science and Social Inequality:*

Science and technology reflect and perpetuate social inequalities, but also
serve as crucial sites of contestation, intervention, and hope. Over the
past several decades scholars, particularly those engaged with feminist and
critical theories, have questioned the ways in which inequalities among the
producers of knowledge affect the kinds of knowledge produced. At the same
time, investigations into the social engagement with science have pointed
to the ways in which science can, and has, benefitted from the inclusion of
marginalized groups. This focused discussion aims to encourage scholars in
the history and philosophy of science or science and technology studies to
consider inequalities within scientific practice, professions, and
knowledge production. We will feature work that explores the causes and
consequences of—or resistances to—these inequalities and how they shape the
experiences and knowledge claims of historically marginalized individuals.
We seek scholarship that pushes STS and HPS to re-engage with questions
surrounding science as a professional “field” and, in particular, as one
that has been—and remains—stratified in practice by inequalities of race,
gender, and social class.

We welcome research that interrogates the various and intersecting forms of
inequality, and resistance to inequalities, that shape power structures in
science and technology at any time or place. We seek research comparing
various areas of scientific practice. Submissions can focus on a variety of
institutional and national contexts, can use both historical and
contemporary cases, and can draw on a variety of critical and
methodological perspectives. The questions below may help guide potential

1.            What perspectives on inequalities within scientific practice
can we draw from critical theories, such as feminist and critical race

2.            How has diversity and inequality affected
inter/multi/trans-disciplinary scientific collaboration and “Team Science”
(inclusive of academic and non-academic science teams)?

3.            What has been the role of gender, race/ethnicity, and
socioeconomic status in scientific education and training across the
educational spectrum?

4.            What is the normative and instrumental value of diversity in
science, given science’s orientation as “value-free,” objective, and
universal? Why is scientific diversity a good thing?  Have diverse
scientific teams produced better science?

5.            What has been the role of the “invisible worker” in science
and technology at different times and places? What light can historical and
transnational studies shed on the changing position of the “invisible

6.            How have inequalities of race/ethnicity, gender/sexuality,
class, and ability permeated the ranks of knowledge production and affected
the kinds of knowledges that are produced?

7.            How have science and technology been (re)configured to alter
the course of social inequalities?

The eighth issue of Spontaneous Generations will appear in September 2014.

Submissions for the eighth issue should be sent no later than
*March 14, 2014. *
For more details, please visit the journal homepage at

Please distribute freely.  Apologies for cross-postings.
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