[PhilPhys] Causal Horizons Workshop (Bristol/MCMP, 11 Jan 2017)

Erik Curiel erik at strangebeautiful.com
Wed Oct 5 13:22:52 CEST 2016

First Annual Joint Bristol/MCMP Workshop on the Foundations of Physics
Cotham House, University of Bristol, 11 Jan 2017


The idea of a causal horizon---a boundary for causal influence and
processes---plays a fundamental role not only in contemporary
spacetime theory, but in recent years has ramified into foundational
work in other areas of theoretical physics from solid-state and fluid
dynamics to Bose-Einstein condensates and laser optics.  In
particular, causal horizons ground much contemporary work in the
investigation of the relationship between gravity and thermodynamics,
and Unruh's analogue models of black holes, including the recent
experimental detection of analogue Hawking radiation.  This workshop
will bring together physicists and philosophers to explore and discuss
many of these issues.



* Eli Cohen (Bristol, Physics)
* Erik Curiel (MCMP, LMU Munich)
* Ralf Schützhold (Duisburg-Essen, Physics)
* Karim Thébault (Bristol, Philosophy)
* Bill Unruh (British Columbia, Physics)
* Silke Weinfurtner [tbc] (Nottingham, Physics).



Please send registration requests to the co-organizer Erik Curiel
<erik.curiel at lmu.de> by 04 Jan 2017.  The email should have the
subject: "register causal horizons".  Also please indicate whether you
plan to attend the workshop dinner the evening of 11 Jan, on a
dutch-treat basis. There are no fees for attending the conference.



Supported by the Bristol Institute for Advanced Studies and the Munich
Center for Mathematical Philosophy.



Erik Curiel <erik.curiel at lmu.de>, MCMP (LMU Munich)
Karim Thébault <karim.thebault at bristol.ac.uk>, University of Bristol, 
Philosophy Faculty

Erik Curiel

Assistant Professor
Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy
Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftstheorie
Fakultät für Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie und Religionswissenschaft
Ludwigstraße 31
80539 München, Deutschland

BHI Research Fellow
Black Hole Initiative
Harvard University
20 Garden Street, 2nd Floor
Cambridge, MA 02138


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