[PhilPhys] LSE Philosophy Newsletter | Lent Term 2017
Philosophy at lse.ac.uk
Wed Jan 25 17:01:54 CET 2017
Lent Term 2017
Visiting LSE Philosophy this term are Carlo Amenta, Nicholas Baigent, Djamel Eddine Bensliman, Eric Brandstedt, Christoph Baumberger, Ariel Cecchi, Jeremy Clarke, Ulf Dahlsten, Bart Engelen, Goreti Faria, Roberto Fumagalli, Stephan Guettinger, Mikael Klintman, Alexander Krauss, David Makinson, Joe Mazor, Fiora Salis, Hamid Seyedsayamdost and Mike Stuart.
We're also pleased to welcome our new Ludwig M. Lachmann Research Fellow<http://www.lse.ac.uk/CPNSS/people/lachmann-fellows.aspx>, Koen Decancq.
- Jo E. Wolff and Nora Boyd are among the speakers at the Sigma Club<http://www.lse.ac.uk/philosophy/events/category/sigma-club/list/> lecture series on philosophy of physics
- Campbell Brown and Stephan Leuenberger will give this term's Popper Seminars<http://www.lse.ac.uk/philosophy/events/category/popper-seminar/list/>
- Koen Decancq and Ben Groom will be speaking at the Choice Group<http://www.lse.ac.uk/philosophy/events/category/choice-group/list/> lecture series on decision and social choice theory
- Maureen O'Malley, Adrian Moore, Luce Irigaray and Simona Forti will be appearing at the Forum<http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/theforum/forthcomingevents/>
2017 Auguste Comte Memorial Lecture<http://www.lse.ac.uk/philosophy/events/donald-mackenzie-comte-memorial-lecture/>
Professor Donald MacKenzie<http://www.sps.ed.ac.uk/staff/sociology/mackenzie_donald> will deliver this year's Auguste Comte Memorial Lecture on 23 February. Donald MacKenzie is Professor of Social and Political Science at the University of Edinburgh and author of the influential book, An Engine, Not a Camera<https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/engine-not-camera>.
It is very tempting to think of today's financial system as abstract and virtual, to imagine that globalisation has led to a "flat world" and "the end of geography", and assume that both time and space have shrunk. Professor MacKenzie's talk will cast doubt on those assumptions by focusing on the physicality of finance.
This event is free to attend and does not require registration. Organised in conjunction with LSE's Department of Sociology<http://www.lse.ac.uk/sociology/Home.aspx>.
Exhibition: Predictability and its Limits<http://www.lse.ac.uk/intranet/LSESocial/artsAndMusic/artProjectsAndExhibitions/Predictability-and-its-Limits.aspx>
Over the past few years artist Fiorella Lavado<http://www.fiorellalavado.com/> and philosopher, and CPNSS Director, Roman Frigg<http://www.romanfrigg.org/> have been collaborating in an art-science project concerning research about the limits of predictability, in particular in the case of climate models.
For almost a decade Frigg has been working with a group of physicists and statisticians in LSE's Centre for the Analysis of Time Series, in a project aiming to understand the scope and limitations of model-based projections. Lavado, who likes to explore diverse scientific themes and to take inspiration in the world beyond direct sensual experience, got involved in the project about five years ago and started producing drawings, making key insights of the project visible and thereby accessible to an audience of non-specialists.
This art work will be on display 27 February-24 March and is open to all with no ticket required. Further information is available on the LSE Arts website<http://www.lse.ac.uk/intranet/LSESocial/artsAndMusic/artProjectsAndExhibitions/Predictability-and-its-Limits.aspx>.
Interested in visiting us?
Find out more about our visitors programme<http://www.lse.ac.uk/CPNSS/visitorsprogramme/VisitorsProgramme.aspx>
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