[PhilPhys] Call for abstracts: The Second Law of Thermodynamics, September 1-2, 2017 at LMU Munich

Erik Curiel erik at strangebeautiful.com
Sat Feb 25 05:21:19 CET 2017

The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy invites abstracts for the
following event:

The Second Law of Thermodynamics

MCMP, LMU Munich

September 1-2, 2017



The attempt to understand the Second Law of thermodynamics occupies a
central role in the foundations of physics: not only is it of great
importance in its own right, but it also ramifies into a host of other
problems of fundamental physical and philosophical import, from the
arrow of time and the nature of spacetime to issues of probability,
causality, predictability, and determinism, and even to the nature of
memory and agency. This will be the first major conference since the
1950s to address all foundational issues associated with the Second Law,
and to try to examine how they all bear on each other. Invited
physicists and philosophers will be chosen to represent issues
pertaining to the Second Law from many different fields in physics and
philosophy (classical thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, quantum
field theory, gravity), in an attempt to foster a dialogue among those
addressing problems associated with the Second Law in the different
fields. Such a gathering will spur new, innovative approaches to the
problem, as well as connecting and invigorating work on existing
approaches. It will also provide young researchers with a comprehensive
introduction to the state of the art of this central field of research,
and established researchers with a comprehensive overview.

*Call for abstracts*

We invite the submission of paper abstracts for the conference.
Abstracts should include a title, a brief abstract (up to 200 words),
and a full abstract (up to 1000 words), blinded for peer review. They
should be PDF files, submitted to the conference's EasyChair account
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=seclaw2017>. We will select 4
submissions for presentation at the conference.

We plan to publish the proceedings of the conference as a special issue
of a leading journal (e.g., /Foundations of Physics/).
Depending on the funding situation, it is likely that the conference
organizers will be able to partly subsidize the traveling and
accommodation costs for those whose submitted abstracts are accepted, or
even to cover all costs. This will be determined by the end of the summer.

We are committed to fostering diversity and equality in our programs.
Submissions from underrepresented groups are particularly welcome. The
conference will be organized and run under theMCMP's code of conduct


Please send registration requests by 15 Aug 2017 to the co-organizer
Neil Dewar <mailto:neil.dewar at lrz.uni-muenchen.de>. The email should
have the subject: "register second law" and contain your name and
affiliation as you would like it to appear on your conference name-tag.
Also please indicate whether you plan to attend the conference dinner
(01 Sep, 2017). The fees for the conference and dinner are as follows.

Senior researchers with permanent positions (associate and full
professors, etc.): conference fee EUR 40

Junior researchers (assistant professors, post-docs, etc.): conference
fee EUR 25

Students (masters, doctoral, etc.): no conference fee

Cost for conference dinner (for everyone): EUR 30

*Dates and Deadines*

Deadlines for Submission: May 1 2017
Date of Notification: May 31 2017
Registration Deadline: August 15 2017

*Organizers *

Erik Curiel <erik.curiel at lmu.de>
Neil Dewar <neil.dewar at lmu.de>

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftstheorie
Sekretariat Professor Hartmann
Ludwigstr. 31/I
80539 München

Tel.: 089-2180-3319
FAX: 089-2180-17752

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