[PhilPhys] Aachen Workshop on "Naturalness, Hierarchy, and Fine-Tuning"

Joshua Rosaler jrosaler at gmail.com
Wed Dec 13 13:15:16 CET 2017

Dear All,

The following workshop may be of interest ...


*Title: *Workshop on "Naturalness, Hierarchy, and Fine-Tuning"

*Workshop Description:* The requirement of naturalness has long served as
an influential constraint on model-building in elementary particle physics.
Yet there are many ways of understanding what, precisely, this requirement
amounts to, from restrictions on the amount of fine-tuning that a model can
exhibit, to prohibitions on sensitive dependence between physics at
different scales, to the requirement that dimensionless parameters defining
the Lagrangian of a theory all be of order one unless protected by a
symmetry. This workshop aims to clarify the relationships among these
concepts of naturalness and their connection to the hierarchy problem, as
well as to assess arguments for and against imposing various forms of
naturalness as a requirement on particle physics model-building. It
will bring together researchers in philosophy of physics and theoretical
particle physics whose expertise touches either directly on the subject
of naturalness or on closely related issues concerning effective field
theory, renormalization, and the physical interpretation of quantum field

*Location:* RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany

*Dates:* Feb. 28 - Mar. 2

*Speakers Include:*

* Jonathan Bain (NYU)

* Arianna Borrelli (TU Berlin)

* Elena Castellani (Univ. Florence)

* Richard Dawid (Univ. Stockholm)

* Bertrand Delamotte (UPMC Paris)

* Doreen Fraser (Univ. Waterloo)

* Holger Gies (Univ. Jena)

* Alexei Grinbaum (CEA-Saclay)

* Arthur Hebecker (Univ. Heidelberg)

* Sabine Hossenfelder (FIAS)

* Fred Jegerlehner (HU Berlin)

* Frank Saueressig (Univ. Nijmegen)

* Mikhail Shaposhnikov (EPF Lausanne)

* Michael Stoeltzner (USC)

* James Wells (Univ. Michigan)

* Porter Williams (Univ. Pittsburgh)

*Support:* The workshop will be hosted by the Institute of Theoretical
Particle Physics and Cosmology at RWTH Aachen University as part of the DFG
research unit "The Epistemology of the Large Hadron Collider." For more
information about the workshop, see https://indico.cern.ch/event/630393/. For
information about the Epistemology of the LHC collaboration, see

*Application:* (Deadline Jan. 31) Those interested in attending the
workshop are asked to submit a brief description of their academic
background and interest in the subject of the workshop via the following
link: https://indico.cern.ch/event/630393/registrations/38431/

*Organization:* Robert Harlander, Gregor Schiemann, Joshua
Rosaler, Miguel Angel Carretero Sahuquillo

*Contact: *rosaler at physik.rwth-aachen.de (Joshua Rosaler),
harlander at physik.rwth-aachen.de (Robert Harlander)
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