[PhilPhys] 1 Ph.D. scholarship in Rome in all areas of philosophy
Mauro Dorato
mauro.dorato at gmail.com
Wed Feb 7 10:27:59 CET 2018
*Disclaimer: this is a translation of the selection announcement for
candidates to PhD Courses. Its purpose is to provide information to foreign
students. It has no legal value. The only official and legally binding
document is the original Italian announcement*
Call for the application to one Ph.D scholarship in all areas of philosophy
reserved to non-italian citizens offered by the university of Rome “Tor
Vergata” and “Roma tre”
The deadline for the application is March 6th 2018 no later than 4 pm
(CET). Foreign candidates who want to apply must fill in the registration
form available at the following link:
http://delphi.uniroma2.it/totem/jsp/aS_A_0_1.jsp? language=en
At the end of the registration process, applicants will be requested to
attach the following three files in pdf (max. 25 MB total size), written in
*a. *Curriculum Vitae with mandatory indication of the degree
awarded, date of the graduation, and complete list of the examinations
taken with relative rate/score;
*b. *Motivational letter and research project cannot exceed the
maximum length of 20,000 characters [spaces, footnotes, etc. included] and
must include the candidate's scientific interests and objectives, his
knowledge of the state of the art and related methodologies. A short
selected bibliography is requested. The research project must be sent by
e-mail to the Coordinator (anselmo.aportone at uniroma2.it);
*c. *List of publications, if any.
Applicants must provide two letters of recommendation by university
professors (see the template of the letter at the web address:
These letters must be e-mailed to the director of the PhD program prof.
Aportone (anselmo.aportone at uniroma2.it) by March 6th 2018.
1) Applicants whose academic qualification cannot be regarded by the
Committee as equivalent to the Italian degree that is necessary for the
application will excluded by the evaluation process
2) Applicants with a non-Italian who will not submit to the PhD
administrative office an official transcript of their degree (Dichiarazione
di valore) no later than three months after the registration will be
excluded by the evaluation process
The qualified candidates will be examined with a Skype interview on the
basis of the evaluation of the committee.
The timetable of interviews of the admitted candidates will be published at
the following webpage:
The Admission Committee will carry out the evaluation process and will fill
in the list of candidates admitted to the PhD course.
These candidates will be enabled to access the PhD courses if:
a. They hold a scholarship or other grants funded by their own Country.
In this case, before the enrolment procedure it will be mandatory to
provide documentation certifying the source and the amount of funding.
b. They hold a joint supervision agreement with a foreign university in
accordance with the guidelines available at the following webpage:
c. They have been awarded the scholarship from University of Tor
Vergata and Roma Tre advertised by the present call.
Once enrolled, the PhD student will have also the opportunity to
participate to the Mobility Erasmus Plus Program upon agreement with
foreign Universities. Women are strongly encouraged to apply
Mauro Dorato
Mauro Dorato
Professor of Philosophy of Science
Department of Philosophy, Communication and Media Studies, room 220
Roma 3 University, Via Ostiense 234, 00146 Rome, Italy, tel +39 0657338354
<06%205733%208354>, fax +39 06
Quaedam ergo nos magis torquent quam debent, quaedam ante torquent quam
debent, quaedam torquent cum omnino non debeant (Seneca, Liber II, Epistula
XIII); Quaeris' inquit 'quid profecerim? amicus esse mihi coepi.' Multum
profecit: numquam erit solus. Scito esse hunc amicum omnibus. (liber 1,
epistula 6; "Humanas actiones non ridere, non lugere, neque detestari, sed
intelligere" (Spinoza)
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